mensxmachina / ETIA

Automated Causal Discovery library in python
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ETIA: A Comprehensive Automated Causal Discovery Library

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Library Overview

ETIA (Αιτία (pronounced etía): "cause" in Greek) is a cutting-edge automated causal discovery library that takes causal analysis beyond traditional methods. It is designed to tackle complex, real-world problems by automating the entire causal discovery process, offering a combination of feature selection, causal structure learning, and causal reasoning validation that is unmatched in other libraries.

ETIA provides:

Unlike existing libraries, ETIA does not simply offer isolated algorithms—it provides a fully automated pipeline that optimizes and customizes each step of the causal discovery process, ensuring the results are robust, interpretable, and reliable for both researchers and industrial practitioners.

Why ETIA is Unique

ETIA goes beyond other causal discovery libraries by offering:

Core Features

1. Automated Feature Selection (AFS)

AFS goes beyond standard feature selection by targeting the Markov Boundary of the outcome of interest. This approach ensures that you work only with the most causally relevant variables, preventing the noise and redundancy that plague other methods.

Algorithm Description Data Type
FBED Forward-Backward selection with Early Dropping Mixed
SES Statistical Equivalence Selection Mixed

Why It Matters: In high-dimensional datasets, choosing the right features is critical. AFS uses state-of-the-art techniques to find causally relevant features, ensuring that the subsequent causal analysis is accurate and manageable, even in datasets with hundreds of variables.

2. Causal Learning (CL)

The CL module identifies causal relationships using a variety of algorithms that are automatically optimized to your data. ETIA's causal tuning mechanism guarantees the selection of the best possible causal structure without the need for user intervention. Algorithm Latent Variables Supported Tests/Scores Used Data Type
PC Algorithm FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
CPC FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
FGES SEM BIC Score, BDeu, Discrete BIC, CG BIC, DG BIC Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
FCI FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
FCI-Max FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
RFCI FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
GFCI FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
CFCI FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical
sVAR-FCI FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square Continuous, Mixed, Categorical (Time Series)
svargFCI FisherZ, CG LRT, DG LRT, Chi-square, G-square, SEM BIC Score, BDeu, Discrete BIC, CG BIC, DG BIC Continuous, Mixed, Categorical (Time Series)
PCMCI ParCor, RobustParCor, GPDC, CMIknn, ParCorrWLS, Gsquared, CMIsymb, RegressionCI Continuous, Mixed, Categorical (Time Series)
PCMCI+ ParCor, RobustParCor, GPDC, CMIknn, ParCorrWLS, Gsquared, CMIsymb, RegressionCI Continuous, Mixed, Categorical (Time Series)
LPCMCI ParCor, RobustParCor, GPDC, CMIknn, ParCorrWLS, Gsquared, CMIsymb, RegressionCI Continuous, Mixed, Categorical (Time Series)
SAM Learning Rate (lr), Decay Learning Rate (dlr), Regularization (lambda1, lambda2), Hidden Neurons (nh, dnh), Training Epochs (train_epochs), Testing Epochs (test_epochs), Batch Size (batch_size), Loss Type (losstype) Continuous, Mixed
NOTEARS Max Iterations (max_iter), Tolerance (h_tol), Threshold (threshold) Continuous, Mixed, Categorical

Key Details:


Why It Matters: Traditional causal discovery libraries expect users to manually choose an algorithm. ETIA’s automated pipeline selects the best algorithm for your dataset, saving time and reducing the risk of suboptimal results. Additionally, it can handle datasets with latent variables, which most other systems cannot do.

3. Causal Reasoning Validation (CRV)

CRV provides advanced tools to evaluate the discovered causal graph, offering confidence estimates and comprehensive visualizations. It can answer specific causal queries, making it an invaluable tool for decision-makers and researchers alike.

Functionality Description
Visualization Visualize graphs and causal relations using Cytoscape.
Adjustment Sets Identify adjustment sets needed for estimating causal effects.
Confidence Calculations Assess confidence in discovered causal relationships through bootstrapping methods.
Causal Queries Answer user-defined causal queries, including directed, bidirected, and potentially directed paths between variables.

Why It Matters: The ability to compute and visualize confidence in causal relationships sets ETIA apart from other libraries. Users can trust that the discovered causal graph is not just a hypothesis but a statistically backed structure with clearly defined confidence levels.


You can install ETIA directly from PyPi using pip:

pip install etia

Alternatively, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone <repository-url>
cd library directory
pip install -r requirements.txt
make all


Before installing ETIA, ensure that you have the following dependencies:

You can download and install these dependencies from their official websites:

ETIA Installation

Installing via PyPi (Upcoming)

Once ETIA is available on PyPi, you will be able to install it directly using pip:

 pip install etia

Installing from Source

To install ETIA from the source code, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository:
 git clone <repository-url>
 cd etia
  1. Install the required dependencies:
 pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Compile the necessary components:
make all

Java and R Configuration

For using Tetrad algorithms and certain feature selection algorithms, ensure that Java and R are correctly installed.

Setting up Java:

  1. Install Java 17 from the official website.
  2. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set:
 export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java   

Setting up R:

  1. Install R 4.4+ from the official website.
  2. Make sure that R is in your system’s PATH:
R --version
  1. Install MxM package (this part may take a while), and the daggity package. MxM package is necessary for AFS while daggity is only used in CRV to find the adjustment sets. Note: Depending on the OS you may need to install CMake and GSL (GNU Scientific Library)
Rscipt --vanilla "install.packages("MXM", repos = "")"
Rscipt --vanilla "install.packages("daggity", repos = "")"


Once installed, ETIA can be used by importing its modules. Here is a simple example for feature selection and causal discovery:

from ETIA.AFS import AFS
from ETIA.CausalLearning import CausalLearner

# Feature selection
afs = AFS()
results = afs.select_features(dataset_file_path, targets)
reduced_datset = results['reduced_data']

# Causal discovery
cl = CausalLearner(reduced_datset)
results = cl.learn_model()

Testing (under development)

You can run the test suite using:

pytest tests/

Make sure that all dependencies, including Java and R, are correctly installed before running tests.


Contributions are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.