mento-protocol / reserve-site

Mento Reserve Website
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Mento Reserve Website

Code for

For more information about the Reserve itself please refer to:

Updating Reserve

Data Integrity

The following is where the numbers displayed on comes from. These are not used by the reserve itself.

Update Frequency

Data Frequency Notes
Reserve Contract 20 Seconds
Stable Tokens 20 Seconds
Celo Custody 30 Minutes Practically only change daily
BTC, ETH, DAI balances 30 Minutes Practically only change daily
euro conversion rate 4 Hours source rates updated once a day
Asset prices 5 Minutes

Reserve Holdings

For Celo on chain balances, an instance of @celo/contractKit is connected to a node at See src/providers/Celo.ts for how this works.

For ETH and BTC balances we use 2 data providers each: and blockstreams's esplora for BTC and etherscan and ethplorer for Ethereum.

For Asset Prices

For CELO the on change exchange price (which itself is an aggregation of the price on several exchanges) is used again via @celo/contractKit

For other crypto assets two data providers are used. If one provider fails to respond then the other is used and if both fail a cache of the last successful fetch is used until new data is fetched. For BTC these are's getAccountByTypeAndCurrency and Coinbase's Data Api spot price. For ETH these are ETHER Last Price and Coinbase's Data Api spot price. For CMCO2, coinmarketcap api and ubeswaps subgraph are used for the price.

Stable Assets Outstanding

All stable token amounts are the total amount in circulation. This can be verified with

import { newKit } from '@celo/contractkit'
const kit = newKit('')
const stableToken = await kit.contracts.getStableToken()


#### Currency Conversions
For stable coins other than cUSD is used to convert value to USD to compare and sum values

Historic Rebalancings

Reserve rebalancings figures are updated manually at the moment. However they can be verified by using a block explorer to check the historic balances of the reserve addresses.

Updating Content

To update Content edit the Markdown files in src/content Changes to these require a redeployment and to wait for the page cache to expire (5min)


  1. Install dependencies: yarn
  2. Log in to GCloud on your terminal: gcloud auth login
  3. Pull the necessary secrets into .env via yarn secrets:get
    • In case this fails with PERMISSION DENIED you'll need to request permissions in GCloud from an admin
  4. Start the dev server: yarn dev

