mento-protocol / simulation

Apache License 2.0
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Mento2 Model

A modular dynamical-systems model of the Mento2.0 design, based on the open-source Python library radCAD, an extension to cadCAD.

Table of Contents


This repo features a cadCAD model for Mento2.0. The structure of this repo is heavily based on the Ethereum Economic Model.

Model Features

Directory Structure

Model Architecture

The model/ directory contains the model's software architecture in the form of two categories of modules: structural modules and configuration modules.

Structural Modules

The model is composed of several structural modules in the model/parts/ directory:

Module Description General CELO mechanisms, such as managing the system upgrade process, the gas pricing mechanism, and updating the CELO price and CELO supply Calculation of the mechanics when interacting with the CELO reserve Calculation of metrics such as stability provider rewards

Configuration Modules

The model is configured using several configuration modules in the model/ directory:

Module Description Constants used in the model, e.g. number of blocks per epoch, Gwei in 1 CELO cadCAD model State Update Block structure, composed of Policy and State Update Functions Model State Variable definition, configuration, and defaults Helper functions to generate stochastic environmental processes Model System Parameter definition, configuration, and defaults Various Python types used in the model, such as the Stage Enum and calculation units Misc. utility and helper functions

Model Assumptions

The model implements the official Ethereum Specification wherever possible, but rests on a few default network-level and validator-level assumptions detailed in the document.

Mathematical Model Specification

The Mathematical Model Specification articulates the relevant system dynamics as a state-space representation, the mathematical modelling paradigm underlying the cadCAD simulation library. It can be understood as a minimum viable formalism necessary to enable solid cadCAD modelling.

Differential Model Specification

The Differential Model Specification depicts the model's overall structure across System States, System Inputs, System Parameters, State Update Logic and System Metrics.

Environment Setup

  1. Clone or download the Git repository: git clone or using GitHub Desktop
  2. Pull data files via git-lfs: git lfs pull
  3. Set up your development environment using one of the following two options:

Option 1: Your usual python workflow

You can use your usual python workflow and install dependencies from the Pipfile, for example using virtualenv or Anaconda.

Option 2: Using Pyenv and Pipenv

Our usual python workflow is with Pyenv and Pipenv. Pyenv is a package to manage different versions of python and Pipenv automatically creates virtual environments and installs and updates packages and dependencies. In your shell:

1) Install Pyenv 2) Install Pipenv 3) Navigate to your \simulation folder 4) install python 3.8.12: pyenv install 3.8.12 5) Set your local python version pyenv local 3.8.12 7) Install dependencies: pipenv install --dev 8) Enter virtual environment: pipenv shell 9) Local pre-commit setup: pre-commit install 10) Install your virtual environment as jupyter kernel: python -m ipykernel install --user --name=mento2-model

To start Jupyter Notebook or Lab:

jupyter notebook
# Or:
jupyter lab

Simulation Experiments

The experiments/ directory contains modules for configuring and executing simulation experiments, as well as performing post-processing of the results.

The experiments/notebooks/ directory contains initial Mento experiment notebooks and analyses. These notebooks and analyses do not aim to comprehensively illuminate the Celo and Mento protocols, but rather to suggest insights into a few salient questions the Celo and Mento community has been discussing, and to serve as inspiration for researchers building out their own, customized analyses and structural model extensions.

The Experiment README notebook contains an overview of how to execute existing experiment notebooks, and how to configure and execute new ones.

Notebook 1. Model Validation

Could potentially contain a backtest of a Mento 1.0 model against empirical data.

Notebook 2. Stability Provider Analysis

The purpose of this notebook is to explore the risks & returns that stability providers can expect.

Notebook 3. Arbitrage Provider Analysis

The purpose of this notebook is to explore the risks & returns that arbitrage providers can expect.

Model Extension Roadmap

Nothing here yet.


We use Pytest to test the model module code, as well as the notebooks.

To execute the Pytest tests:

source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pytest tests

To run the full GitHub Actions CI Workflow (see .github/workflows):

source venv/bin/activate
make test


This Mento 2.0 analysis is a fork of the Ethereum Economic Model. We actively try to stay as close as possible to the structure of the Ethereum Economic Model to make it easier for the broader community to follow our analysis.

Since we borrow so heavily from previous work, we would like to thank:

Contributors ✨


The code repository mento-protocol/simulation is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. If you'd like to cite this code and/or research, we suggest the following format:

Mento Labs, Mento 2.0 Model, (2022), GitHub repository,

[comment]: <> (@misc{MentoLabs2022,)

[comment]: <> (  author = {MentoLabs},)

[comment]: <> (  title = {Mento 2.0 Model},)

[comment]: <> (  year = {2022},)

[comment]: <> (  publisher = {GitHub},)

[comment]: <> (  journal = {GitHub repository},)

[comment]: <> (  howpublished = {\url{}},)

[comment]: <> (  version = {v0.0.0})

[comment]: <> (})