meraki / dns-o-matic

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DNS-O-Matic – Update your IP Address on OpenDNS


This Python script allows Meraki users to update the IP Addresses of their MR and MX products on OpenDNS using the Meraki Provisioning API and DNS-O-Matic API.


Why do you even need this script? Our MR and MX products update their IP Addresses every so often. And if you use OpenDNS to describe policies for your devices using IP Addresses, they may not act appropriately as the device IP addresses are changing. We need to be able to update the IP Addresses of our devices on OpenDNS. We can usually do this manually, but when we have thousands of devices across countless networks, this can be a not-so-fun task. This script allows us to solve this issue in an easy, automated fashion.

How to run

In order to update the IP Addresses of your Meraki devices on OpenDNS, you will run the above script from your command line.

Install the modules specified in requirements.txt using pip, a package manager for Python.

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you don't want to use the requirements.txt file, you can install the requests module yourself as well. Using pip, try running this from the command line:

pip install requests

After you have installed all the required modules, you can run the following from the command line:

python [X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key] [DNS-O-Matic-USER]:[DNS-O-Matic-PASS] [device_type1, device_type2]

For example, when I try updating the IP Addresses of my MR devices on all of my networks, I run the following command (the password and API key are fake):

python 8943qjkewasdf98q34 MR

And voila! You will now have updated your IP Addresses for your specific devices on OpenDNS.

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