merlinthemagic / MTM-Signal

PHP OOP Wrapper for Signal-CLI
9 stars 3 forks source link

cannot install with composer #2

Open Tsjippy opened 2 years ago

Tsjippy commented 2 years ago

composer requiremerlinthemagic/mtm-signal-api:dev-main` ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update merlinthemagic/mtm-signal-api Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

Problem 1

Tsjippy commented 2 years ago

I have installed it now like this: composer require merlinthemagic/mtm-utilities:dev-master composer require merlinthemagic/mtm-fs:dev-master composer require merlinthemagic/mtm-signal-api:dev-main

that worked.

Thanks for your great library!

merlinthemagic commented 2 years ago


Thanks and good to know you sorted it out.

You are likely getting the dependency error if your app / lib specifies a minimum-stability > dev (e.g. alpha, beta, RC or stable).

If you allow "minimum-stability" : "dev" it should install as expected, i just tried:

Package operations: 3 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing merlinthemagic/mtm-fs (dev-master e47bc10): Cloning e47bc1090c from cache
  - Installing merlinthemagic/mtm-utilities (dev-master 2a1207b): Cloning 2a1207b697 from cache
  - Installing merlinthemagic/mtm-signal-api (dev-main 0e884e1): Cloning 0e884e1398 from cache