merlinthemagic / MTM-Signal

PHP OOP Wrapper for Signal-CLI
9 stars 3 forks source link


What is this?

Send and receive messages using the Signal Messenger. This project is a wrapper for Signal-CLI giving you a simple OOP API for using signal in a PHP environment.



Linux, PHP 7.x, JRE 11

Composer install:

Install the lib via composer:

composer require merlinthemagic/mtm-signal-api

Manual install:

If you prefer you can simply download the 3 packages separately and include their autoloaders in yur project.

require_once "/path/to/mtm-utilities/Enable.php";
require_once "/path/to/mtm-fs/Enable.php";
require_once "/path/to/mtm-signal-api/Enable.php";

Post install:

You must make the signal-cli binary executable:

chmod +x /path/to/mtm-signal-api/Vendors/SignalCli/bin/signal-cli

Quick start:

Get a Client:

//Secure the data directory you will be using, private keys and passphrases are stored in plaintext
//make sure the folder is writable by your php user
$safePath       = "/path/to/secure/folder/";

//For testing on linux you can use the following:
//$safePath     = MTM_FS_TEMP_PATH. "sigtest";

$clientObj      = \MTM\SignalApi\Facts::getClients()->getSignalCli($safePath);

Register To Existing Account:

Link to a master account:

This will generate a URI that can be used to link the client as a slave on an existing master. This method will NOT disconnect any existing devices. It will simply allow a master device to approve the server as a linked account NOTE: This method is executed on the client object, not on any specific user. The generated user depends on the master device that accepts the link

$name       = "MyTestServer"; //shows up on master as identification for this client
$uri        = $clientObj->getDeviceLinkUri($name); //will throw on error

Now load the URI into your favorite QR generator or paste it to: (Change to allow 15% damage or you will get alot of mis reads) Then scan the QR code with a master device. Voila the server has a new linked user account that can send and receive messages

Accept slave link request:

This will accept a request to link from a slave. This method will NOT disconnect any existing devices. It will simply allow a slave device to become a linked account of the master account that approves the request NOTE: This method is executed on the user object. The slave user depends on who generate the uri

$uri        = "tsdevice:/?uuid=BBm...";
$userObj->linkDeviceByUri($uri); //will throw on error

Register New Account:

Register via Captcha:

WARNING! This method will disconnect any existing devices from the phone number. You will be taking over the account, not linking a new device


Complete the Captcha, hit "F12" to open developer tools. Right click the link in the console that starts with: "signalcaptcha://" Copy the link address so you can paste it to the register method below

$captcha        = "signalcaptcha://03ADsBq82yYFHDEA.....";
$userObj->registerByCaptcha($captcha); //will throw on error

You will receive an SMS code on your device, use that to run the next step of verification

Register via Voice:


Verify via SMS code:

$code           = "234568";
$userObj->verifyBySmsCode($code); //will throw on error

Verify via Voice code:

$code           = "863457";
$userObj->verifyByVoiceCode($code); //will throw on error

Use the client:

Start by getting a user to work with:

$phoneNumber    = "+12134567890";
$userObj    = $clientObj->getUser($phoneNumber);

Is a phone number registered:

$nbr        = "+13106545322";
$bool       = $userObj->isPhoneRegistered($nbr);

Send message:

Text From user to phone number:

$toNbr          = "+13109981100";
$msg            = "Hi Mom,\nPlease buy food, im so hungry!\nThx";
$timeStamp      = $userObj->sendText($toNbr, $msg);

Text From user to contact:

$msg            = "Hi Baby,\nPlease buy food, im so hungry!\nThx";
$timeStamp      = $contactObj->sendText($msg);

Text From user to group:

$msg            = "Hi Parents,\nPlease buy food, im so hungry!\nThx";
$timeStamp      = $groupObj->sendText($msg);

Receive pending messages for a phone number:

//return array of message objects
$msgObjs        = $userObj->receive(); //will throw on error
foreach ($msgObjs as $msgObj) {
    if ($msgObj->getType() == "DataMessage") {
            echo $msgObj->getMessage()."<br><br>";
    } elseif ($msgObj->getType() == "ReceiptMessage") {
            echo $msgObj->getWhen()."<br><br>";


Get Contacts:

//return array of Contact objs
$array          = $userObj->getContacts(); //will throw on error

Get Contact By Username:

//return contact obj, null or throws
$username       = "+13109997765";
$throw          = false;
$contactObj = $userObj->getContactByUsername($username, $throw);


Get Groups:

//return array of Group objs
$array          = $userObj->getGroups(); //will throw on error

Get Group By ID:

//return group obj, null or throws
$id             = "efefekneef....";
$throw          = false;
$groupObj       = $userObj->getGroupById($id, $throw);

Create Group:

//return group obj
$name               = "My Group";
$groupObj           = $userObj->createGroups($name); //will throw on error

Set Group Name:

//return group obj
$name               = "My New Group Name";

Set Group Edit detail permission:

$adminOnly              = true; //true or false

Set Group Add members permission:

$adminOnly              = true; //true or false

Set Group Add members permission:

$enabled            = true; //true or false
$withApproval       = true; //true or false
$groupObj->setLinkState($enabled, $withApproval);

Add Member to group:

$contactObj = $userObj->getContactByUsername("+13109997765");

Remove Member from group:

$contactObj = $userObj->getContactByUsername("+13109997765");

Get Group Members:

//Does not return user self. Use $groupObj->getIsMember() to determine user membership

//return array of Contact objs
$array      = $groupObj->getMembers();

Add Admin to group:

$contactObj = $userObj->getContactByUsername("+13109997765");

Remove Admin from group:

$contactObj = $userObj->getContactByUsername("+13109997765");

Get Group Admins:

//Does not return user self. Use $groupObj->getIsAdmin() to determine user is admin

//return array of Contact objs
$array      = $groupObj->getAdmins();


Get Identities (not-ready):

//return array of identity objects
$array          = $userObj->getIdentities(); //will throw on error


Get Devices (not-ready):

//return array of device objects
$array          = $userObj->getDevices(); //will throw on error