mesosphere-backup / iot-demo

IoT - It's the thing you want! And so here's a full-stack demo.
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IoT - It's the thing you want! And so here's a full-stack demo.

This demo shows you how to setup a service on DCOS that

There are presentations about this demo:

Create a DCOS cluster and install the CLI

Follow the instructions here.

When you open the dashboard, follow the instructions to install the DCOS CLI.

Install Cassandra and Kafka

You can either execute ./bin/ <your DCOS cluster base URL> or run the commands yourself.

You want to dive in deep and do everything yourself? Then point your DCOS client installation at the correct cluster and execute the commands below.

Configure the DCOS CLI

If you just set up your CLI for the first time, you can probably skip this step.

Use dcos config set core.dcos_url <your DCOS core URL>, e.g. dcos config set core.dcos_url "".

Sequence of commands to run with the DCOS CLI

Note: This requires a 1.7 Universe.

# Start DCOS services:
dcos package install marathon-lb
dcos package install cassandra --options=cassandra-options.json
dcos package install kafka --options=kafka-options.json
dcos package install zeppelin

# Check that Cassandra & Kafka are up
dcos cassandra connection
dcos kafka connection

Adjust the configuration

Install the tweet producers/consumers

Execute ./bin/

NOTE: This calls a python 3 script with yaml and jinja modules. You can use pip and homebrew to update your system.

brew install python3

pip3 install pyyaml

pip3 install jinja2


The script uses the ./bin/ script to convert YAML configuration files into JSON digestible by Marathon.

It produces a Marathon group that is then sent to the Marathon REST API for deployment:

The supports some special processing instructions inside of your YAML files to

Execute some SQL queries with Zeppelin

Once Zeppelin is running, navigate to the UI and import the notebook from this link:

You'll need to add the following dependencies to Spark from the interpreter tab by clicking on "edit" in the spark section of the Interpreter, and then adding these values to the "artifact" field under the "Dependecies" section that will appear at the bottom:

NOTE: if /service/zeppelin is showing as Disconnected (and hence can’t load the notebook), add the following labels to the zeppelin service and restart:

HAPROXY_0_VHOST = [elb hostname]

HAPROXY_GROUP = external

You can get the ELB hostname from the CCM “Public Server” link. Once Zeppelin restarts, this should allow you to use that link to reach the Zeppelin GUI in “connected” mode.

Use manually started shells to examine the data

SSH into one of the masters or worker nodes in the cluster, and try cqlsh:

$ docker run -ti cassandra:2.2.5 cqlsh node-0.cassandra.mesos
Connected to cassandra at node-0.cassandra.mesos:9042.
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.2.5 | CQL spec 3.3.1 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> select * from twitter.tweets limit 10;