mesqueeb / vuex-easy-access

Unified syntax for accessing your Vuex store through simple set() and get() functions + auto generate mutations
MIT License
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store vuejs vuex

What is Vuex Easy Access?

  1. Zero boilerplate Vuex → auto generated actions & mutations!
  2. Unified syntax for accessing your store through simple set() and get()

Full documentation


Vuex is great for state management in a VueJS app, however it requires a lot of boilerplating setting up your store and all actions and mutations.

The Vuex philosophy

The philosophy of Vuex is to do everything through mutations that will record a history of the changes you make to the store. This makes it possible to easily track changes when things go wrong as your app grows.

The Vuex Easy Access philosophy

Instead of having to write all actions and mutations for each change you make to the store, wouldn't it be great if an action and mutation is generated for you from the start? That's exactly what Vuex Easy Access does!

Vuex Easy Access automatically generates actions and mutations for each state property!

JavaScript Vuex Easy Access
In vanilla JavaScript you can simply do:
object.prop.nestedProp = newVal
why shouldn't you be able to do this with Vuex?
With Vuex Easy Access you can!
set('object.prop.nestedProp', newVal)

And the best part is, all state changes go through a mutation under the hood!


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Short overview

1. auto-generated Vuex actions

_ actions generated from state
State props eg. state: {someProp: {nestedProp: ''}}
Set values
Set nested values

Delete values
dispatch('module/set/someProp', newVal)
dispatch('module/set/someProp.nestedProp', newVal)
Array props eg. state: {someArray: []}
Push/shift/pop/splice values dispatch('module/set/someArray.push', newVal)
dispatch('module/set/someArray.splice', [ind, del, newVal])
Objects with id wildcard eg. state: {someObject: {'*': ''}}
Set and delete dispatch('module/set/someObject.*', {[id]: newVal})
dispatch('module/delete/someObject.*', id)

2. Easy Access shorthand

_ available setters
State props eg. state: {someProp: {nestedProp: ''}}
Set values
Set nested values

Delete values
set('module/someProp', newVal)*
set('module/someProp.nestedProp', newVal)
Array props eg. state: {someArray: []}
Push/shift/pop/splice values set('module/someArray.push', newVal)
set('module/someArray.splice', [ind, del, newVal])
Objects with id wildcard eg. state: {someObject: {'*': ''}}
Set and delete set('module/someObject.*', {[id]: newVal})
delete('module/someObject.*', id)

* set() and delete() are attached to the Vuex store object: store.set()

Installation and setup →


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