meta-434 / capstone-one-server

Server for pomodoro app
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Pomodoro Server

This is the server for the Pomodoro App client.


The design of the Pomodoro App intends to provide the user with a fully-featured digital pomodoro timer, complete with session saving and notes for reference. A signed up user, upon completion of a 25-minute pomdoro work session, may save the details of the session to the server. The timestamped session saves under the user's unique account credentials, which the user may review at a later time. Notes may be similarly saved, and the timer page displays the most recent note for reference during work sessions.

Set up

Complete the following steps to start a new project (NEW-PROJECT-NAME):

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine git clone BOILERPLATE-URL NEW-PROJECTS-NAME
  2. cd into the cloned repository
  3. Install the node dependencies npm install
  4. Update the .env file with a PORT, your SECRET_KEY for authentication key generation, your DATABASE_URL, and optionally, a TEST_DATABASE_URL.
  5. Run yarn run migrate without any parameters to create your database.
  6. Run the SQL scripts in /seeds on your postgres database to provide test data.
  7. Run yarn run dev to start the nodemon server.


Start the application yarn run dev

Run migration SQL scripts npm run migrate

Run the tests yarn run test


API Documentation

for hosted API documentation, including request / response schema, please visit:


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sessions display:
alt text

notes display:
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