meta-logic / lltp

TPTP linear logic version
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LLTP (Linear Logic Theorem Proving)

A benchmark of problems for linear logic provers

This repository contains a collection of theorem proving problems for classical and intuitionistic linear logic provers.


The repository follows a syntax similar to the one of TPTP. Uppercase and lowercase strings are used to denote atomic propositions and formulas are built from:

F ::= bot, top, 0, 1, F * F, F & F, F | F, F + F, F -o F, !F, ?F, F^

representing, respectively, the units (bottom, top, zero and one), the connectives (tensor, with, par, plus, linear implication, bang and question mark) and the orthogonal/negation.

Axioms (formulas on the left side of the sequent) and conjectures (the formula on the right side of the sequent) are specified as fof(name, axiom, F) and fof(name, conjecture, F) respectively. The name chosen is not important.


Intuitionistic problems

The collection of intuitionistic problems is described in [4] and it can be found in the directory ILL. The problems were obtained from three main sources:

  1. Kleene's theorems for intuitionistic logic from "Introduction to Metamathematics" (New York: van Nostrand, 1952)
  2. Intuitionistic Logic Theorem Provers library ILTP
  3. Petri-nets from the Model Checking Contest

The collections ILLTP-\* and KLE-\* are obtained via the Girard translations in [1] (sometimes called call-by-name and call-by-value translations) and Liang and Miller's 0/1 [2], applied to the problems from sources 1 and 2 above.

The collection KLE-IMP-CONJ considers the fragment of intuitionistic logic with implication and conjunction. The above mentioned translations are used as well as the multiplicative translation that substitutes the intuitionistic connectives by their multiplicative linear version (negation is translated as _ -o R, where R is just a particular chosen propositional variable). This translation does not preserve provability and the resulting non-provable sequents are in the directory NON-THEOREMS. The directory ALT proposes an alternative translation for the non-provable sequent with a small set of bangs and/or additives.

The collection MCC (split into two zipped files) was obtained by encoding the petri-nets from 3 using the ideas from [3], and finding reachable states using a maude program.

Some results on these problems can be found here and here.

The current status for all the collections can be found in the TXT files. Those results were obtained with this prover.

Classical problems

The problems in the directory CLL (classical linear logic)


[1] Linear Logic by Jean-Yves Girard. Theoretical Computer Science (50), pp. 1-102 (1987)

[2] Focusing and Polarization in Linear, Intuitionistic, and Classical Logic by Chuck Liang and Dale Miller. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(46), pp. 4747-4768 (2009) [pdf]

[3] Petri Nets and Linear Logic: a case study for logic programming by Iliano Cervesato. 1995 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming — GULP-PRODE'9 [pdf]

[4] The ILLTP Library for Intuitionistic Linear Logic by Carlos Olarte, Valeria de Paiva, Elaine Pimentel and Giselle Reis. In Proceedings Linearity-TLLA 2018, arXiv:1904.06850

Developed and maintained by Carlos Olarte, Giselle Reis, Elaine Pimentel, Valeria de Paiva, and Olivier Laurent.