meta4 / mplcal

Create a standard calendar view from python using matplotlib
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
19 stars 9 forks source link


Create basic printable calendars from Python.


Create this calendar:

.. image:: docs/img/feb.2017.example.png :width: 1470 :alt: Example output of program

with the code:

.. code-block :: python

from mplcal import MplCalendar
feb = MplCalendar(2017, 2) # 2017, February
feb.add_event(1, '1st day of February')
feb.add_event(5, '         1         2         3         4         5         6')
feb.add_event(5, '123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890')
feb.add_event(18, 'OSLL Field Maintenance Day')
feb.add_event(18, 'OSLL Umpire Mechanics Clinic')
feb.add_event(20, 'Presidents day')
feb.add_event(25, 'OSLL Opening Day')
feb.add_event(28, 'T-Ball Angels vs Dirtbags at OSLL')

feb.add_event(14, 'Valentines Day!')
feb.color_day(14, 'mistyrose')