metaist / cosmofy

Cosmopolitan Python Bundler
MIT License
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cosmofy: Cosmopolitan Python Bundler

Build PyPI Supported Python Versions

Cosmopolitan apps are cross-platform binary files that work natively on Linux, macOS, and Windows. cosmofy is a tool to bundle your python project into a portable Cosmopolitan app.


macOS / Linux:

curl -sSz $dest -o $dest -L
chmod +x $dest

Windows: (PowerShell instructions coming soon)


# bundle a single script
cosmofy examples/single-file/

# bundle a directory
cosmofy examples/pkg-nested

# add additional args, change output path
cosmofy src/cosmofy --args '-m cosmofy --cosmo' --output dist/cosmofy

# add self-updater
cosmofy src/cosmofy \
  --args '-m cosmofy --cosmo' \


cosmofy: Cosmopolitan Python Bundler


    [--help] [--version] [--debug] [--dry-run] [--self-update]
    [--python-url URL] [--cache PATH] [--clone]
    [--output PATH] [--args STRING]
    <add>... [--exclude GLOB]... [--remove GLOB]...
    [--receipt PATH] [--receipt-url URL] [--release-url URL]
    [--release-version STRING]


  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit.
  --version         Show program version and exit.
  --debug           Show debug messages.
  -n, --dry-run     Do not make any file system changes.
  --self-update     Update `cosmofy` to the latest version.


  --python-url URL
    URL from which to download Cosmopolitan Python.
    [env: COSMOFY_PYTHON_URL=None]

  --cache PATH
    Directory in which to cache Cosmopolitan Python downloads.
    Use `false` or `0` to disable caching.
    [default: ~/.cache/cosmofy]
    [env: COSMOFY_CACHE_DIR=None]

    Obtain python by cloning `cosmofy` and removing itself instead of
    downloading it from `--python-url`.


  -o PATH, --output PATH
    Path to output file.
    [default: `<main_module>.com`]

    `<main_module>` is the first module with a `` or file with an
    `if __name__ == "__main__"` line.


  --args STRING
    Cosmopolitan Python arguments.
    [default: `"-m <main_module>"`]

  --add GLOB, <add>
    At least one glob-like patterns to add. Folders are recursively added.
    Files ending in `.py` will be compiled.

  -x GLOB, --exclude GLOB
    One or more glob-like patterns to exclude from being added.

    Common things to exclude are egg files and python cache:
    $ cosmofy src -x "**/*.egg-info/*" -x "**/__pycache__/*"

  --rm GLOB, --remove GLOB
    One or more glob-like patters to remove from the output.

    Common things to remove are `pip`, terminal info, and SSL certs:
    $ cosmofy src/my_module --rm 'usr/*' --rm 'Lib/site-packages/pip/*'


  Specifying any of the options below will add `cosmofy.updater`
  to make the resulting app capable of updating itself. You
  must supply at least `--receipt-url` or `--release-url`.

  In addition to building the app, there will be a second output
  which is a JSON file (called a receipt) that needs to be uploaded
  together with the app.

  When the app runs, the updater first checks to see if it was called with `--self-update`. If it wasn't, execution continues as normal.
  If it was, the updater checks the published receipt to see if there is a
  newer version of the app and downloads it, if appropriate.

  NOTE: The updater will alter `--args` so that it gets called first.
  It supports most Python Command Line interface options (like `-m`).
  For a full list see:

  --receipt PATH
    Set the path for the JSON receipt.
    [default: `<output>.json`]

  --receipt-url URL
    URL to the published receipt.
    [default: --release-url + .json]
    [env: RECEIPT_URL=]

  --release-url URL
    URL to the file to download.
    [default: --receipt-url without .json]
    [env: RELEASE_URL=]

  --release-version STRING
    Release version.
    [default: first version-like string in `$(${output} --version)`]

Self Updater

If you provide --receipt-url or --release-url, cosmofy will add a self-updater to the output bundle. This self-updater will look for the --self-update option on the command line and look for an updated release. When the option is absent, it will run --args as usual (see below for minor limitations).

Supported Python CLI

Cosmopolitan Python apps have a special .args file which is read when it starts up. The contents of this file are typically set by the --args option. However, when using the self-updater, we need to check for the --self-update option first. If it is absent we process the rest of the --args as usual. However, since Python has already started running we only support the following Python Command Line Interface options:

If no option is provided, the Python REPL will run.


MIT License