metakgp / chillzone

Find a place to chill during class hours in IIT KGP
GNU General Public License v3.0
22 stars 26 forks source link
academic classroom hacktoberfest
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Will find you a chillzone inside IIT KGP at any time.
Website · Report Bug

Table of Contents - [Local Installation](#local-installation) - [Updation for a new semester](#updation-for-a-new-semester) - [For First Year Timetable](#for-first-year-timetable) - [For Second Year and above Timetable](#for-second-year-and-above-timetable) - [Updating `.env` file](#updating-env-file) - [Final steps](#final-steps) - [Meanings of the various files](#meanings-of-the-various-files) - [Input Files](#input-files) - [Output Files](#output-files) - [Development Notes](#development-notes) - [Maintainer(s)](#maintainers) - [Contact](#contact) - [Additional documentation](#additional-documentation)

Local Installation

To run Chillzone front-end on your local system.

  1. Make sure you have pnpm installed on your system. Installation instructions can be found here.

  2. Clone the repo and change directory.

    git clone
    cd chillzone/frontend
  3. Install modules and launch frontend.

    pnpm install
    pnpm start

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Updation for a new semester

For First Year Timetable

Note: First year timetable needs to be updated at the start of a new session only.

  1. Download first year timetable from ERP and place it in the first-year-scraper/ directory.
  2. Install dependencies.

    cd first-year-scraper
    pip install -r requirements.txt

For Second Year and above Timetable

Updating .env file

Note: Use .env.template file as the base for .env file.

Update the SESSION and SEMESTER environment variables.

Note: In case you are unable to scrape the new semester's timetable, then, these steps will help you find the problem:

  1. Turn on DEBUG inside the .env file by setting it to "1".
  2. Reduce the size of the departments array to 2 so that you are not buried with output in the terminal.

Final steps

  1. Run

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Meanings of the various files

Input Files

Output Files

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Development Notes

This package utilizes iitkgp-erp-login-go package to handle ERP login functionality and fetch timetables.

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Additional documentation

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