metal-crow / Dark-Souls-1-Overhaul

"We're the Project M of Dark Souls!"
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Continue the PtDE build? #7

Open ice44 opened 5 years ago

ice44 commented 5 years ago

I really with you would continue development on the PtDE version of the game. Those of us who haven't bought the Remaster still play the original avidly. These QoL fixes are such a godsend. Please consider this request. I'm not the only one who feels this way.

metal-crow commented 5 years ago

Fuck, trust me i'm aware. I know a lot of other PvPers who feel the same way, and want things like infinite durability, infinite items, etc, to be incorporated into this. I assume you'd also want that and the other things this mod is doing, such as Bloodborne rally and no-whif?

The real issue is that i, personally, want this mod to be available to the widest audience. I'm hopeful (probably naively so), that this mod will be like, the Project M of dark souls, and will get a resurgence of people playing it. And i can't do that if the target game for it is literally unpurchasable (or hard for the average user to pirate). Plus i kinda already have put a lot of effort into remaster development. There are also other projects doing similar development to this mod for PtDE, who i am sharing this code with.

However, trust me when i say i haven't forgotten about PtDE players. I've been talking with them and have a laundry list of bugs and problems that Remaster introduced that i am working on fixing (ghost hits, equipment swap, and more have already been patched back in). The goal is to make the mod fix every single problem that prevents Remaster from playing like PtDE, then adding more unique stuff to that. Also, Remaster does have a number of nice features that would be hard/impossible to port to PtDE.

If you're just talking about adding PvP helper code (infinite items, etc), i actually looked into that a few days ago. The Phonks table is unfortunately a clusterfuck of CE code, so i'd basically have to reinvent the scripts if i wanted to add them, but if someone were to remake them in a simpler format i would happily port them. Other than that, you're also free to make PRs to the branch and i'll probably accept them.

ice44 commented 5 years ago

I love the Project M analogy. I totally understand what you mean. It's hard to foster an active and flourishing playerbase/community around an unpurchasable game. I'll just bite the bullet and buy the remaster. From reading your reply, It looks to be worth it, you've swayed me.

Thank you for working on this. It's a noble goal, and it gives me hope for a greater game with greater features and longevity.

metal-crow commented 5 years ago

Oh, i mean i wouldn't recommend the remaster at this moment if you're an avid pvper, lmao. The issues i mentioned won't be fixed until i release this, i'm working on fixing an invisible attack glitch atm actually. It is worth it if you're a PvEer, or will be whenever this gets released. Thank you for understanding though!

ice44 commented 5 years ago

I didn't imply that I was naive to the remaster's problems lmao, It just so happens to be on sale atm so I might as well plan for the future.

metal-crow commented 5 years ago

haha, fair. thank you for being understanding

ice44 commented 5 years ago

No problem man. Great work. Can't wait to see more.

gamefreak2998 commented 5 years ago

Excited to see more

noxifoxi commented 4 years ago
