This repository contains different microservices and Kubernetes manifests to deploy them.
Each microservice has it's own app.yaml
that should contain all of it's dependencies (besides other microservices).
To enable SQS:
aws iam create-user --user-name SQSPlayground
aws iam create-access-key --user-name SQSPlayground
- save data to fileaws sqs create-queue --queue-name IpCount
- take QueueUrl to be used in deployment.yamlip-visit-sqs-consumer/policy.json
and set REGION and ACCOUNT_IDaws iam create-policy --policy-name SQSPlaygroundPolicy --policy-document file://ip-visit-sqs-consumer/policy.json
aws iam attach-user-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::526936346962:policy/SQSPlaygroundPolicy --user-name SQSPlayground
and ip-visit-sqs-consumer
kubectl apply -k ./base/local