metanorma / coradoc-oscal

Metanorma Coradoc for authoring OSCAL
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= Create OSCAL output using Metanorma Coradoc

== Purpose

This repository contains an example on how Metanorma Coradoc can be used to author controls in a human-oriented markup language.

== Background

The OSCAL catalog information model is highly structured and can be complex to create and manage without proper tooling.

For those who prefer a human-oriented markup format, Metanorma Coradoc supports creating OSCAL via AsciiDoc.

This repository provides a sample control from ISO/IEC 27002:2022 that demonstrates the usage of the following Rubygems to author OSCAL in AsciiDoc:

== Usage

=== Setup

Clone this repository.


git clone

=== Install prerequisites



=== Generate OSCAL from AsciiDoc

The following command converts an .adoc file into a .yaml (OSCAL YAML).


bundle exec convert.rb {asciidoc-file-name}

The file sample.oscal.adoc is provided in this repository for testing purposes. The following command converts sample.oscal.adoc into sample.oscal.yaml.


bundle exec convert.rb sample.oscal.adoc

=> sample.oscal.yaml created

=== API usage

For those who wish to use the Ruby API, it is possible to directly call the following method to convert their OSCAL AsciiDoc file into OSCAL in YAML.


require "coradoc" Coradoc::Oscal.parse_to_yaml("sample.oscal.adoc")

== Contents

The sample.oscal.adoc file is excerpted from the OSCAL version of the "ISO/IEC 27002:2022 Information security controls".

NOTE: ISO/IEC 27002:2022 is copyrighted content.

The document is structured in the following way:


== Group One

=== Clause One ==== Part One ==== Part Two

=== Clause Two ==== Part One ==== Part Two

== Group Two === Clause One ==== Part One ==== Part Two

=== Clause Two ==== Part One

== License

Copyright of content from the ISO/IEC 27002:2022 remain unchanged from its owner.

All other code and information, copyright Ribose.