metanorma / iso-10303-templates

Annotated EXPRESS rendering templates for ISO 10303
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Need help on developing annex identifier template for module documents #17

Closed manuelfuenmayor closed 4 months ago

manuelfuenmayor commented 4 months ago

I'm really struggling to develop the annex identifier template for module documents for these reasons:

// Extract the arm, mim, arm_lf, mim_lf paths, by using Liquid filters {% assign arm_path = schema_name | filters... %}

// This is not supported [lutaml_express,{{ arm_path }},data]

// Build schema identifications

TRThurman commented 4 months ago

@manuelfuenmayor, all the relevant files are directly in the directory. here is a tree view of annotated_3d_model_data_quality_criteria : . ├── arm.exp ├── arm.xml ├── arm_descriptions.xml ├── armexpg1.gif ├── armexpg1.xml ├── armexpg2.gif ├── armexpg2.xml ├── armexpg3.gif ├── armexpg3.xml ├── dvlp │   ├── issues.xml │   └── projmg.xml ├── fig-01.gif ├── index.xml ├── mim.exp ├── mim.xml ├── mim_concatenated.exp ├── mim_descriptions.xml ├── mimexpg1.gif ├── mimexpg1.xml ├── mimexpg2.gif ├── mimexpg2.xml ├── module.xml ├── nav │   ├── arm_descriptions.xml │   ├── arm_long_form.xml │   ├── developer.xml │   ├── issues_dvlp.xml │   ├── mapping_view.xml │   ├── mapping_view_with_test.xml │   ├── mim_descriptions.xml │   ├── module_index.xml │   ├── select_matrix_view.xml │   ├── select_view.xml │   └── summary.xml └── sys ├── 1_scope.xml ├── 2_refs.xml ├── 3_defs.xml ├── 4_info_reqs.xml ├── 5_main.xml ├── 5_mapping.xml ├── 5_mim.xml ├── 6_refdata.xml ├── a_short_names.xml ├── abstract.xml ├── b_obj_reg.xml ├── biblio.xml ├── c_arm_expg.xml ├── contents.xml ├── cover.xml ├── d_mim_expg.xml ├── e_exp.xml ├── e_exp_arm.xml ├── e_exp_arm_lf.xml ├── e_exp_mim.xml ├── e_exp_mim_lf.xml ├── f_guide.xml ├── foreword.xml ├── g_change.xml ├── introduction.xml ├── isocover.xml ├── main.xml ├── modindex.xml └── p28xsd.xml

ronaldtse commented 4 months ago

@manuelfuenmayor i will be pushing the schema.yaml files shortly.

ronaldtse commented 4 months ago

@manuelfuenmayor do you not see this?

$ cat documents/iso-10303-1051/schemas.yaml
    path: ../../schemas/modules/geometric_tolerance/arm.exp
    path: ../../schemas/modules/geometric_tolerance/mim.exp
manuelfuenmayor commented 4 months ago

@ronaldtse yes, that document has a schemas.yaml.

ronaldtse commented 4 months ago

This is done. Closing.