metanorma / iso-10303-templates

Annotated EXPRESS rendering templates for ISO 10303
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= ISO 10303 Annotated EXPRESS templates

== Purpose

This repository contains a set of Metanorma liquid templates for rendering Annotated EXPRESS schemas, as used in ISO 10303.

== Usage

NOTE: Due to current limitations in the metanorma-plugin-lutaml plugin with liquid, TWO symbolic links need to be made to this repository's content: +

In a Metanorma document it is used like this:


= Integrated generic resource: Fundamentals of product description and support :docnumber: 10303 :tc-docnumber: 10681 :partnumber: 41 :copyright-year: 2022 :language: en :publish-date: 2022 :edition: 7 :title-intro-en: Industrial automation systems and integration :title-intro-fr: Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration :mn-document-class: iso :lutaml-express-index: schemas; schemas.yaml;

[lutaml_express, schemas, repo, leveloffset=+1]


One of the following directory structures is to be used.

Type 1: include:: block is at the same level as the including document:

document.adoc:: The document that includes the lutaml_express block. templates/:: A check-out of the iso-10303-templates repository.

Type 2: include:: block in another file (e.g. under sections/):

document.adoc:: The root document file. templates/:: A check-out of the iso-10303-templates repository. sections/xxx.adoc:: The document that includes the lutaml_express block. sections/templates/:: A check-out of the iso-10303-templates repository.

NOTE: The templates/ directory can be a symbolic link.

== License

Copyright Ribose.