= metanorma-JIS: Metanorma processor for Japanese Industrial Standards
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== Functionality
This gem processes https://www.metanorma.com[Metanorma documents] following the Metanorma model for generating JIS standards.
The gem is basically the https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-iso gem, with some tweaking of rendering to meet the particular requirements of the JIS.
It provides the following functions:
. Compiles Metanorma input into the Metanorma-JIS XML format (which is identical to Metanorma-ISO, since the two standards share the same document model) . Validates XML output against the Metanorma-JIS document model ** Errors are reported to console against the XML, and are intended for users to check that they have provided all necessary components of the document. . Metanorma-JIS XML is then converted into desired output formats.
The following outputs are supported:
Word (.doc
** PDF (.pdf
)== Structure
This gem inherits from the https://github.com/metanorma/metanorma-iso gem, and aligns closely to it.
=== Quickstart
Please see https://www.metanorma.com for instructions to get started.
You will need to setup your Git credentials for bundler or for HTTPS in order to fetch the software. Please refer to the following articles for details:
== Usage
Using the metanorma
== Authoring
Please refer to the Metanorma-ISO documentation for general documentation.
Metanorma-ISO general documentation: https://www.metanorma.com/software/metanorma-iso/
Metanorma-ISO guidance: https://www.metanorma.com/software/metanorma-iso/docs/guidance/
== Documentation
See https://www.metanorma.com/author/iso/[Write ISO documents with Metanorma]
== Examples