metanorma / mn-samples-iso

The ISO Rice model in IsoDoc (in the format of Metanorma-ISO)
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= ISO Rice document in Metanorma (Metanorma-ISO)

image:["Build Status", link=""] image:["Docker Build Status", link=""]

This document is available in its rendered forms here:

== Introduction

This repository provides a readily usable[Metanorma-ISO] source document based on the["`Rice document`"], the ISO's model document of an international standard.

Refer to the[Metanorma quickstart] for a primer on creating Metanorma-ISO documents.

== Fetching the document


git clone

== Installing Build Tools


== Running via Docker or locally

If you have installed the build tools locally, and wish to run the locally-installed compilation tools, there is nothing further to set.

If you don't want to deal with local dependencies, use the docker:


docker run -v "$(pwd)":/metanorma -w /metanorma -it metanorma/mn metanorma site generate

== Building The Document


metanorma site generate

== Source files provided in this repo

== Description of generated artifacts

== Managing an IsoDoc

=== General

The Rice document is given here both as a single source document and broken up into separate files, to illustrate both ways of managing Metanorma content.

=== Single file

There are two document examples provided here:

For each language:

=== Multiple files

The document iso-rice-en-sections.adoc includes the document header and the following files.

The section files are listed in order of appearance in the document, and each corresponds to a first-level clause of the Rice document: