metaodi / sruthi

SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL) client library for Python
MIT License
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PyPI Version Tests + Linting Python Code style: black


sruthi is a client for python to make SRU requests (Search/Retrieve via URL).

Currently only SRU 1.1 and 1.2 is supported.

Table of Contents


sruthi is available on PyPI, so to install it simply use:

$ pip install sruthi


See the examples directory for more scripts.

searchretrieve operation

>>> import sruthi
>>> records = sruthi.searchretrieve('', query='Brettspiel')
>>> print(records)
>>> print(records.count)
>>> print(record[0])
{'schema': 'isad', 'reference': 'PAT 2, 54 d, Nr. 253492', 'title': 'Schlumberger, Jean, Zürich: Brettspiel', 'date': '08.03.1946', 'descriptionlevel': 'Dossier', 'extent': None, 'creator': None, 'extra': {'score': '0.4', 'link': '', 'beginDateISO': '1946-03-08', 'beginApprox': '0', 'endDateISO': '1946-03-08', 'endApprox': '0', 'hasDigitizedItems': '0'}}
>>> for record in records:
...    # print fields from schema
...    print(record['reference'])
...    print(record['title'])
...    print(record['date'])
...    print(record['extra']['link']) # extra record data is available at the 'extra' key
PAT 2, 54 d, Nr. 253492
Schlumberger, Jean, Zürich: Brettspiel
PAT 2, 54 d, Nr. 246025
Frei, K. H., Weisslingen: Brettspiel
DS 107.2.37
UZH Magazin
Die Wissenschaftszeitschrift
G I 1, Nr. 34
Verordnung der Stadt Zürich betreffend die Erfüllung von Amtspflichten durch die Chorherren des Grossmünsterstifts

The return value of searchretrieve is iterable, so you can easily loop over it. Or you can use indices to access records, e.g. records[1] to get the second record, or records[-1] to get the last one.

Even slicing is supported, so you can do things like only iterate over the first 5 elements using

for records in records[:5]:

explain operation

The explain operation returns a dict-like object. The values can either be accessed as keys info['sru_version'] or as attributes info.sru_version.

>>> import sruthi
>>> info = sruthi.explain('')
>>> info
{'sru_version': '1.2', 'server': {'host': '', 'port': 80, 'database': 'sru'}, 'database': {'title': 'Staatsarchiv Zürich Online Search', 'description': 'Durchsuchen der Bestände des Staatsarchiv Zürichs.', 'contact': ''}, 'index': {'isad': {'title': 'Title', 'reference': 'Reference Code', 'date': 'Date', 'descriptionlevel': 'Level'}}, 'schema': {'isad': {'identifier': '', 'name': 'isad', 'title': 'ISAD(G)'}}, 'config': {'maximumRecords': 99, 'defaults': {'numberOfRecords': 99}}}
>>> info.server
{'host': '', 'port': 80, 'database': 'sru'}
>>> info.database
{'title': 'Staatsarchiv Zürich Online Search', 'description': 'Durchsuchen der Bestände des Staatsarchiv Zürichs.', 'contact': ''}
>>> info['index']
{'isad': {'title': 'Title', 'reference': 'Reference Code', 'date': 'Date', 'descriptionlevel': 'Level'}}
>>> info['schema']
{'isad': {'identifier': '', 'name': 'isad', 'title': 'ISAD(G)'}}

Request for SRU 1.1

By default sruthi uses SRU 1.2 to make requests, but you can specify the SRU version for each call or when you create a new client instance:

>>> import sruthi
>>> # create a client
>>> client = sruthi.Client(
...     '',
...     record_schema='oai_dc',
...     sru_version='1.1'
>>> )
>>> records = client.searchretrieve(query="Zurich")
>>> records.count
>>> # ...or pass the version directly to the call
>>> records = sruthi.searchretrieve(
...     '',
...     query="Zurich",
...     record_schema='oai_dc',
...     sru_version='1.1'
>>> )
>>> records.count

Custom parameters and settings

If an SRU endpoint needs additional (custom) parameters, you can create your own session object and pass it to the client. This is useful for adding authentication (username, password), custom headers or parameters, SSL verification settings etc.

>>> import sruthi
>>> import requests
>>> # customize session
>>> session = requests.Session()
>>> session.params = {"x-collection": "GGC"}
>>> # pass the customized session to sruthi
>>> records = sruthi.searchretrieve("", query="gruninger", session=session)
>>> records.count


sruthi does not make any assumptions about the record data schema. The data is provided as-is (as a flattend dict). sruthi has been tested with the following schemas:


To contribute to sruthi simply clone this repository and follow the instructions in

This project has a Makefile with the most common commands. Type make help to get an overview.


To create a new release, follow these steps (please respect Semantic Versioning):

  1. Adapt the version number in sruthi/
  2. Update the CHANGELOG with the version
  3. Create a pull request to merge develop into master (make sure the tests pass!)
  4. Create a new release/tag on GitHub (on the master branch)
  5. The publication on PyPI happens via GitHub Actions on every tagged commit