This repo houses the API Ingester and Database Types components of the Metaplex Digital Asset RPC API. Together these components are responsible for the aggregation of Solana Validator Data into an extremely fast and well typed api. This api provides a nice interface on top of the Metaplex programs. It abstracts the byte layout on chain, allows for super-fast querying and searching, as well as serves the merkle proofs needed to operate over compressed nfts.
The API specification is located here This spec is what providers of this api must implement against.
Along with the above rust binaries, this repo also maintains examples and best practice settings for running the entire infrastructure. The example infrastructure is as follows.
This repo houses Helm Charts, Docker files and Terraform files to assist in the deployment of the example infrastructure.
You must clone the repo, this is un publishable for now due to active development in like 1000 branches and serious mathematics avoiding dependency hell.
Because this is a multi component system the easiest way to develop or locally test this system is with docker but developing locally without docker is possible.
Edit the init.sql, then run docker compose up db
Then with a local DATABASE_URL
var exported like this export DATABASE_URL=postgres://solana:solana@localhost/solana
you can run
sea-orm-cli generate entity -o ./digital_asset_types/src/dao/generated/ --database-url $DATABASE_URL --with-serde both --expanded-format
If you need to install sea-orm-cli
run cargo install sea-orm-cli
Note: The current SeaORM types were generated using version 0.9.3 so unless you want to upgrade you can install using cargo install sea-orm-cli --version 0.9.3
See Plugin Configuration for how to locally configure the test validator plugin to work.
For the API you need the following environment variables:
APP_DATABASE_URL=postgres://solana:solana@db/solana #change to your db host
cargo run -p das_api
For the Ingester you need the following environment variables:
INGESTER_DATABASE_CONFIG: '{listener_channel="backfill_item_added", url="postgres://solana:solana@db/solana"}' # your database host
INGESTER_MESSENGER_CONFIG: '{messenger_type="Redis", connection_config={ redis_connection_str="redis://redis" } }' #your redis
INGESTER_RPC_CONFIG: '{url="http://validator:8899", commitment="finalized"}' # your solana validator or same network rpc, if local you must use your solana instance running localy
cargo run -p nft_ingester
When making changes you will need to stop the cargo process and re-run. Someday we will have auto rebuild for local cargo stuff but for now you are on your own.
This environment variable can be used to split the work load.
All for a combined setup Ingester for just the Listeners to txn and acct Backfiller for just the backfiller scheduler and notifyer Background for just the background tasks.
For production you should split the coponents up.
Developing with Docker is much easier, but has some nuances to it. This test docker compose system relies on a programs folder being accessible, this folder needs to have the shared object files for the following programs
You need to run the following script in order to get the .so files.
This script grabs all the code for these programs and compiles it, and chucks it into your programs folder. Go grab some coffe because this will take a while/ If you get some permissions errors, just sudo delete the programs directory and start again.
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {your aws container registry}
We use docker-compose
to build the multi-container Docker application. On some systems its docker compose
docker-compose build
This builds the docker container for API and the Ingester components and will download the appropriate Redis, Postgres and Solana+plerkle docker images.
Keep in mind that the version latest
on the Solana Validator image will match the latest version available on the docs, for other versions please change that version in your docker compose file.
docker-compose up
When making changes you will need to docker compose up --build --force-recreate
again to get the latest changes.
Also when mucking about with the docker file if your gut tells you that something is wrong, and you are getting build errors run docker compose build --no-cache
Sometimes you will want to delete the db do so with sudo rm -rf db-data
. You can also delete the ledger with sudo rm -rf ledger
While running the multi-container Docker application locally, you can run a script located in tools/txn_forwarder/bubblegum_tests
that will send sequences of bubblegum transactions via the txn_forwarder
, and then use psql
to read and verify the indexing results in the local Postgres database.
sudo rm -rf db-data/
sudo rm -rf ledger/
docker compose up --force-recreate --build
In another terminal:
cd tools/txn_forwarder/bubblegum_tests/
You should see it log something like:
Running 10 scenarios forwards
mint_transfer_burn.scenario initial asset table state passed
mint_transfer_burn.scenario initial asset_creators table state passed
mint_transfer_burn.scenario initial asset_grouping table state passed
mint_transfer_burn.scenario initial cl_items table state passed
mint_to_collection_unverify_collection.scenario asset table passed
mint_to_collection_unverify_collection.scenario asset_creators table passed
mint_to_collection_unverify_collection.scenario asset_grouping table passed
mint_to_collection_unverify_collection.scenario cl_items table passed
You can also run the sequences in reverse:
./ reverse
And after it runs you should see ALL TESTS PASSED IN REVERSE!
A few detailed notes about this test script:
files, but instead of sending those files to the txn_forwarder
directly (which supports the file format), we parse them out and send them individually using the single
parameter. This is because using the .scenario
file directly results in random ordering of the transactions and we are explicity trying to test them going forwards and in reverse._reverse
suffix.To get a reasonable amount of logs while running Docker, direct grafana logs to a file:
- GF_LOG_MODE=file
and set Solana Rust logs to error level:
RUST_LOG: error
Once everything is working you can see that there is a api being served on
And a Metrics System on
Here are some example requests to the Read API:
curl --request POST --url http://localhost:9090 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getAssetsByOwner",
"params": [
{ "sortBy": "created", "sortDirection": "asc"},
"id": 0
}' | json_pp
curl --request POST --url http://localhost:9090 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getAsset",
"params": [
"id": 0
}' | json_p
curl --request POST --url http://localhost:9090 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getAssetProof",
"params": [
"id": 0
}' | json_pp
Using skaffold you can deploy to k8s, make sure you authenticate with your docker registry
Make sure you have the env vars you need to satisfy this part of the skaffold.yaml
ingest.db_url: "{{.DATABASE_URL}}"
ingest.rpc_url: "{{.RPC_URL}}"
ingest.redis_url: "{{.REDIS_URL}}"
metrics.data_dog_api_key: "{{.DATA_DOG_API}}"
load.seed: "{{.LOAD_SEED}}"
load.rpc_url: "{{.RPC_URL}}"
- ./helm/ingest/values.yaml
- name: das-api
chartPath: helm/api
api.db_url: "{{.DATABASE_URL}}"
api.redis_url: "{{.REDIS_URL}}"
metrics.data_dog_api_key: "{{.DATA_DOG_API}}"
skaffold build --file-output skaffold-state.json --cache-artifacts=false
## Your namepsace may differ.
skaffold deploy -p devnet --build-artifacts skaffold-state.json --namespace devnet-read-api --tail=true
Here are the metrics that various parts of ths system expose;
count ingester.ack - number of messages acked tagged by stream
count - error acking a message count - error getting stream data
ingester.stream_redelivery - Stream tagged of messages re delivered ingester.stream_size - Size of stream, tagged by stream ingester.stream_size_error - Error getting the stream size
All these metrics are tagged by stream count ingester.seen time ingester.proc_time count ingester.ingest_success count ingester.ingest_redeliver_success count ingester.not_implemented count ingester.ingest_error
time ingester.bgtask.proc_time count ingester.bgtask.success count ingester.bgtask.error count ingester.bgtask.network_error time ingester.bgtask.bus_time count ingester.bgtask.identical
count ingester.backfiller.task_panic count ingester.backfiller.task_error guage ingester.backfiller.missing_trees