metarhia / Docs

Metarhia docs and F.A.Q. πŸ“’
MIT License
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Metarhia tech stack documentation

Metarhia is the first technology stack for Node.js scaled with threads, offering ultra-lightweight workload isolation. It is optimized for high-intensive data exchange, rapid development, clean architecture, and easily understandable domain-specific code. Metarhia provides an all-in-one solution for a reliable and efficient backend. It supports network communication with web and mobile clients, offers a protocol-agnostic API, run-time type validation, real-time and in-memory data processing, and both stateful and stateless services.

Weaknesses: not suitable as content publishing platforms, including blogs and SEO-focused websites, as well as server-side rendering and serving static content.

Strengths: enhanced security and architecture suitable for enterprise-level applications, long-lived WebSocket connections to minimize latency and handshake overhead, and no third-party dependencies.

Short feature list

TODO list

Those features will be implemented in nearest future (3-6 months):