metatooth / herbert

automate your horticulture
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link


An environment control system for Raspberry Pi, SwitchBot Meter, and WYZE PLUG.

Getting Started

Using Ubuntu 21.10 or Raspberry Pi OS Lite 5.10 2021-05-07

$ sudo apt-get remove npm nodejs
$ curl -sL | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install -y bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev # needed for worker role only 
$ git clone

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# compile and watch the server
npm run serve:server

# compile and watch the worker
npm run serve:worker

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve:client

# build all
npm run build

# build client
npm run build:client

# build server
npm run build:server

# build worker
npm run build:worker

# run all tests
npm test

Re-imaging script

# Prerequisite
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y qemu-user-static

A script is provided to add some initial configuration when setting up a raspberry pi for the herbert system for the first time. Once your SD card is mounted, run scripts/ and follow the prompts. This script will set a static IP, hostname, and configure wifi settings. When prompted for the block device to image, be sure to enter the parent block device not a partition.

You can also pass in each option as a command line argument instead of being prompted for input. See scripts/ -h for details.

Block device must have single, free partition.

Note: This script has only been tested on Linux, more work may be needed to get this to work on OSX.

Deployment Prequisites

The following must be installed in order to run ansible deployments:

Deployment Inventory

We are currently using ansible for deployments. To get started you need to create an inventory file. A sample inventory file has been provided in ci/ansible/inventory.sample. First copy the sample file to ci/ansible/inventory.

Deployment Version

Deployment is performed using the ci/Makefile and make command. To choose the version of Herbert to deploy, you must set the HERBERT_BRANCH var. To use an Ansible inventory outside the source tree, you must set the ANSIBLE_INVENTORY var. See examples below.

# deploy tagged version 0.18.0
cd ci && make deploy-all HERBERT_BRANCH=0.18.0 ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=~/inventory

# deploy main branch to only workers
cd ci && make deploy-workers HERBERT_BRANCH=main

# deploy local changes in current working directory to only servers
cd ci && make deploy-servers HERBERT_BRANCH=local

# deploy develop branch to only clients
cd ci && make deploy-clients HERBERT_BRANCH=develop

# deploy to only databases (No need to set HERBERT_BRANCH here)
cd ci && make deploy-databases

Database Deployment

Using Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ & Raspberry Pi OS Lite 5.10 2021-05-07

Server Deployment

Using Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ & Raspberry Pi OS Lite 5.10 2021-05-07

Worker Deployment

Using Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ & Raspberry Pi OS Lite 5.10 2021-05-07

Deploying to a single worker via ansible can be accomplished via the following:

cd ci/ansible
ansible-playbook --limit <target_worker_host_ip> worker.yml

Client Deployment

Using Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ & Raspberry Pi OS Lite 5.10 2021-05-07

Deployment Logs

Logs for production deployments are all managed by journald. Each service's logs can be accessed by running the command journalctl -u <service_name> i.e. journalctl -u herbert-worker

Current production services:

Docker / Docker Compose

If you want to spin up the entire ecosystem locally for development you can use the included "docker compose" setup.

Bring up all containers

make docker
make up
# Then navigate to http://localhost:8080 in your browser

Scale up workers

# Create 3 worker containers
make scale-workers NUM_WORKERS=3

Tear down all containers

make down
# to remove all data from dockerized database
make down-data

See all container logs

make logs


Copyright 2022 Metatooth LLC. See the LICENSE.