metcoder95 / fastify-racing

Cancel any running operation at the right time on your request handler
MIT License
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abort-signal abortcontroller fastify fastify-library fastify-plugin http http2 racing


CI CodeQL version

fastify-racing is a plugin which allows you handle possible client request abortions by exposing an AbortSignal instance that will be aborted just and only when the client has closed the request abruptly (e.g. by closing the browser tab).

How it works?

On every request and after a first invocation, the plugin well schedule event listeners to the close event triggered by the Socket instance attached to the request object.

Along with that, the plugin will instanciate and cache an AbortController instance for each request.

When the close event is triggered, the plugin will check if the AbortSignal instance is already aborted, and if not will abort it using the AbortController instance.

Is guaranteed that one and just one AbortController and AbortSignal will be made per request.

If the request was not aborted during its lifetime, the plugin will remove the AbortController and AbortSignal from the cache. This by scheduling a hook-handler on the hook onResponse.

If the request aborted, the same hook will be used for cleaning resources.

A WeakMap is used under the hood for caching, ensuring that the AbortController and AbortSignal instances can be unlinked if not needed anymore, and for instance GC'ed.


Install by running npm install fastify-racing.

Then register the plugin to your fastify instance:

const fastify = require('fastify')({
  logger: true

fastify.register(require('fastify-racing'), {
    handleError: true,


On Setup

How to use it?

There are two ways to use this plugin:


It will return a promise that will be resolved when the request is aborted. It will be resolved with the result of the abort event object of the AbortSignal instance. This only if no cb has been passed as argument.

It supports an object as argument:


app.get('/', async (req, _reply) => {
    const signal = req.race()
    const result = await Promise.race([signal, asyncOp(signal)])

    if (result.type === 'aborted') return ''
    else return `${result}-world`

TypeScript'/', (request: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) => {
    const signal = req.race()
    const result: AbortEvent | unknown = await Promise.race([signal, asyncOp(signal)])

    if ((<AbortEvent>result).type === 'aborted') return ''
    else return `${result}-world`


If a callback is provided, no promise will be scheduled/returned during the lifetime of the request.


app.get('/', (req, reply) => {
    const signal = req.race((evt) => {
        const result = result.type === 'aborted' ? '' : `${result}-world`


TypeScript'/', (request: FastifyRequest, reply: FastifyReply) => {
    const signal = req.race((evt: AbortEvent) => {

Type Definitions

interface AbortEvent {
    type: 'abort' | string;
    reason?: FastifyError | Error

interface FastifyRacing {
  handleError?: boolean;
  onRequestClosed?: (evt: AbortEvent) => void;

interface FastifyInstance {
    race(cb: FastifyRacing['onRequestClosed']): void
    race(opts: Omit<FastifyRacing, 'onRequestClosed'>): Promise<AbortEvent>
    race(): Promise<AbortEvent>

See test for more examples.