meteor-space / tracker-mobx-autorun

Integrate Meteor reactive data with MobX for simple yet highly optimized state management
MIT License
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Tracker MobX autorun

Integrate Meteor reactive data (Tracker-aware reactive data sources) with MobX for simple yet highly optimized state management

MobX and Tracker can both autorun code when a dependency changes, however caching a copy of Meteor reactive data in a MobX store requires a significant amount of boilerplate. This package handles the complexity and provides an autorun that can be triggered by a change to either a MobX observable or Meteor reactive data source.


import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { observable, useStrict } from 'mobx';
import autorun, { observe } from 'meteor/space:tracker-mobx-autorun';

// Optionally MobX strict mode makes state in the store immutable, in that case
// state can ony be changed by MobX actions

const Todos = new Mongo.Collection('todos');

const state = observable({
  selectedProjectId: null,
  projectTodos: []

const syncProjectTodos = autorun(() => {
  const projectId = state.selectedProjectId;
  const handle = Meteor.subscribe('todos', { projectId });
  const cursor = Todos.find({ projectId });
  observe('todosAutorun', state.projectTodos, handle, cursor);

// Starting autorun on startup or when needed
Meteor.startup(() => {
  if (Meteor.isClient) syncProjectTodos().start();

// Stopping autorun

Before and After

aNativ image Trello card from April 2016 - Before and after refactoring


meteor add space:tracker-mobx-autorun

npm install --save mobx mobx-react

Meteor 1.3 +

Developed with sponsorship from dyzio - social video marketing made easy