meteor-svelte / svelte-tracker

Tracker integration for Svelte
MIT License
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Tracker integration for Svelte


To use svelte-tracker, run meteor add svelte:tracker or add svelte:tracker manually to .meteor/packages.


The withTracker function exported by this package takes a Svelte component and an options object as arguments and returns a new Svelte component. This new component is a container that wraps the passed component and handles data loading using reactive data sources such as Mongo.Cursor#fetch and ReactiveVar#get.

withTracker(component, options)

The options object can contain the functions listed below. Except for initialData, each of these functions receives the rendered instance of the wrapped component as argument and an initially empty context object as this. You can use this context object to store container state, e.g., live query handles and timeout identifiers.

initialData() (optional)

Called before the wrapped component is instantiated. Must return an object with the initial data.

data(component) (required)

Called when the container is rendered. Changes of reactive dependencies established in this function will cause it to rerun.

oncreate(component) (optional)

Called after the container is rendered into the DOM and after the first call to data.

ondestroy(component) (optional)

Called before the container is removed from the DOM.


See the meteor-svelte/tracker-example repository.

Update from 1.x.x to 2.x.x

In Svelte 1.8.1, onrender and onteardown were deprecated and replaced by oncreate and ondestroy. To reflect this API change, withTracker also uses the new function names.