Please see the wiki for documentation
Java 1.7.0_80
Groovy 2.4.10
Grails 2.3.4
(This installation guide is written for Ubuntu 16.04)
If you do not yet have the right version of Java, Groovy, and Grails, please install The Software Development Kit Manager by typing the following command in your terminal:
(You can check if you already have sdk installed by typing "sdk version")
curl -s "" | bash
After this command, the terminal will print a message asking you to finalize the installation of SDK with a command similar to this
source "~/.sdkman/bin/"
Please run that command and continue with the installation
For more instruction on how to install the SDK, please refer to:
After installing SDK, please install the correct version of Java, Groovy, and Grails by typing:
sdk install java 7u80
sdk install groovy 2.4.10
sdk install grails 2.3.4
You can check what version you are currently using by typing:
sdk current
If you are using a version not specified above, please switch to the correct version by typing:
sdk use java 7u80
sdk use groovy 2.4.10
sdk use grails 2.3.4
For more information about how to install and switch to the correct version, please refer to:
You will also need to connect to a MySQL database to run the application.
If you already have a MySQL connection, you can edit your connection and login information in the DataSource files located at metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-"plugin"/grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy.
If you do not have a MySQL connection, you can install and start a MySQL server locally. Here are the instructions:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
The default port for MySQL server in DataSource files is 3306 and the default name of the database is "metridoc". You should have your server running on port 3306 and create a database called "metridoc" unless you modify the connection in DataSource files.
To create a database called "metridoc", please do the following:
mysql -u root -p
Then in the mysql prompt, type:
Then run this to start the server.
sudo service mysql start
If you wish to create a table in the database, please refer to this page: Please note that you do not need to manually create any tables for the application, it will create them for you automatically when you run it.
If later when you run the application, it gives you an error that database connection refused or failed, please check whether your MySQL server is running and whether you have your application connected to the right port with the right credentials.
Go to the directory where you wish to install and run metridoc, then type the following commands to clone metridoc-grails and metridoc-app:
git clone
git clone
Go to metridoc-app
cd metridoc-app
In order to connect your metridoc-app with your local instance of metridoc-grails, please navigate to /grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy in metridoc-app and uncomment the following 5 lines:
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-core" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-core"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-illiad" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-illiad"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-funds" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-funds"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-bd" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-bd"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-rid" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-rid"
(For more information regarding switching between the local instance of the plugins and the remote version, please refer to the Local vs Remote section in Other Potential Problems below)
And then run the build file:
sh ./
(If you run into an error related to JAVA_HOME environment varialble not being set, please refer to the "Other Potential Problems section below")
This build process will take a while if this is your first time building the application, as it needs to download all necessary packages and dependencies.
After the build file finished running with no error (you probably will see some warning messages, but they are fine. As long as the process does not terminate by itself with an error, it should have built successfully), you need to add a configuration file in order to connect the application with the database. Go to your home directory and then cd into the metridoc folder by typing:
cd .metridoc
In this directory, please add a file called "MetridocConfig.groovy" if it does not exist already and replace its content with the following code:
environments {
development {
dataSource {
pooled = true
dbCreate = "update"
driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
dialect = MySQL5InnoDBDialect
url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/metridoc"
password = "YOUR PASSWORD"
username = "YOUR USERNAME"
properties {
maxActive = -1
minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 1800000
timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 1800000
numTestsPerEvictionRun = 3
testOnBorrow = true
testWhileIdle = true
testOnReturn = true
validationQuery = "SELECT 1"
Be sure to replace "YOUR PASSWORD" and "YOUR USERNAME" with your actual password and username to your MySQL database.
You can then start the application in metridoc-app with the following command:
./grailsw run-app
You should then be able to see the application here: http://localhost:8080/metridoc-reports/
To test and sign into the application, the default username is "admin" and the password is "password".
When running, if it exits with an error "JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set", please refer to this page and set up your JAVA_HOME variable:
or you can also simply type the following commands:
export JAVA_HOME="~/.sdkman/candidates/java/current"
export PATH="/bin:$PATH JAVA_HOME"
If these commands do not work, please try this set of commands:
export JAVA_HOME="~/.sdkman/candidates/java/current"
export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
If after the above commands, you still run into the same error when you try to build the app, please make sure you have closed the terminal where you applied the change and then opened a new terminal to build the app in the application folder.
If the above directory does not exist, you should be able to find where your Java is installed this way:
Go to your home directory by typing
Then you can go to the sdk directory
cd .sdkman
Inside the .sdkman folder, there should be a "candidates" folder. And inside that folder, there should be folders of languages you installed through sdkman. In our case, there should be 3 folders each for Grails, Groovy, and Java. Inside the Java folder, you should be able to find the correct directory for JAVA_HOME.
When you want to switch between the local instance and the remote instance of the plugins, you can uncomment these lines or keep them in metridoc-app/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-core" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-core"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-illiad" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-illiad"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-funds" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-funds"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-bd" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-bd"
grails.plugin.location."metridoc-rid" = "../metridoc-grails/metridoc-grails-rid"
If you comment them out, that means you are using the remote version of the plugins. If you uncomment them, that means you are using the local version of the plugins. You will know that you are using the local instance of the plugins when you see the following lines in the terminal while building or running the application:
| Warning No plugin [metridoc-core-0.8.9] installed, cannot uninstall
| Warning No plugin [metridoc-illiad-0.8.9] installed, cannot uninstall
| Warning No plugin [metridoc-rid-0.8.9] installed, cannot uninstall
| Warning No plugin [metridoc-bd-0.8.9] installed, cannot uninstall
| Warning No plugin [metridoc-funds-0.8.9] installed, cannot uninstall
It is IMPORTANT to note that when you switch between the local and the remote version of the plugins, there will be some error when you rebuild the application, since the application would look for folders and files that previously did not exist or had a different name. Please simply build the application a second time and then it should be good to go. To build the application, in your terminal in the metridoc-app folder, type and run:
sh ./
To build the application twice, simply run the above command twice.