metsrl / channel-rocketchat

Botpress 12.x.x / Rocket.Chat integration
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 5 forks source link
botpress botpressmodule bots rocket rocketchat

Rocket.Chat - Botpress Readme


This is the module integration between Botpress and Rocket.Chat


Actual limitations

Setting up a development environment


-  download [BP source code]( and unzip it in a folder of your choice (_root BP folder_)
-  download and unzip channel-rocketchat code under folder _module/channel-rocketchat_ of _root BP folder_
-  from the _root BP folder_ launch 
    - yarn
    - yarn build
    - yarn package
git clone
cd channel-rocketchat
docker build -t channel --no-cache .
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/out --rm channel bash -c "cp /bp/packages/bp/binaries/modules/channel-rocketchat.tgz /out/"
echo && echo "There you go:" && ls -lh channel-rocketchat.tgz

Then, put the channel-rocketchat.tgz inside your production "/modules" and restart you BP.

Quick Start

  "modules": [
      "location": "MODULES_ROOT/channel-rocketchat",
      "enabled": true

Configure your bot

Edit data/bots/YOUR_BOT_ID/config/channel-rocketchat.json (or create it) and set

  "$schema": "../../../assets/modules/channel-rocketchat/config.schema.json",
  "enabled": true,
  "rocketChatUrl": "",
  "rocketChatUseSSL": true,  
  "rocketChatBotUser": "rocketChatBotUsername",
  "rocketChatBotPassword": "rocketChatBotUserPassword",
  "rocketChatRoom": "GENERAL",
  "scope": ""

Useful documentation

Please check the following links for more information