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# Phoenixmod Gcam
Phoenixmod is a GCam mod based on GCam Version 7.3.020, owned by Google. The code base of Phoenixmod was written by BSG, Urnyx05 and me.
Do you want to participate, as part of a community, in developing a Gcam mod which covers more devices and meets more users needs? Phoenixmod might be the right place for you.
# For Users
You can download the latest version here: [![here](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/metzger100/Phoenixmod-Gcam)](https://github.com/Metzger100/Phoenixmod-Gcam/releases/)!\
We also have a site for submitting crashes and other issues:
[![issues - Phoenixmod-Gcam](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/metzger100/Phoenixmod-Gcam)](https://github.com/Metzger100/Phoenixmod-Gcam/issues)
If you have an Issue, please first check whether the issue was already created.
Before you open a new issue related wirth a bug, make sure to provide a crashlog and screenshots or screenrecords accordingly. You can read an article on how to make logs in the [Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E55pLmJXadr-eJ_C_5m84x3mT7XspnzRQn6FENZ1H0k/edit#bookmark=id.502ou73v2xfq).
# For Devs
This is a pure Smali project, so providing your code in Smali is mandatory. For compilation, I recommend to use the [APKEasyTool](https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/tool-windows-apk-easy-tool-v1-59-2-2021-04-03.3333960/), but you are free to use the apktool of your choice.
Smali projects are not easy to work with, so I recommend Android Studio to code in Java and to compile it to an apk; then decompile it with apktool and integrate the Smali code into the Smali project.\
If you made some **new graphics** for the project, please upload raw imagefiles, e. g. *.svg or *.png, [here](https://github.com/metzger100/Phoenixmod-Gcam-Data), as this makes it easier for others to apply further changes to your graphics if needed.\
We also have an [Android Studio project](https://github.com/metzger100/Phoenixmod-Gcam-Dummy) for coding additional features for GCam in Java. The ASP is a mockproject/dummyproject.
If you are new to Smali or Gcam modding, please refer to my [Wiki](https://github.com/metzger100/Phoenixmod-Gcam/wiki). Note that some contents of my previously made Googledocs are not yet transferred to the wiki.
The previously mentioned GDocs can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E55pLmJXadr-eJ_C_5m84x3mT7XspnzRQn6FENZ1H0k/).
# Credits
This mod is built with code made by those modders and Google:
* Arnova8G2
* back.rider
* burial
* cstark27
* Eszdman
* fu24
* HomerSp
* IDan
* John Galt
* marco christmann
* marlin_ku
* marcello
* mf182
* miniuser
* namok
* onFire
* r0m10
* san1ty
* Savitar
* the_dise
* tigr
* TlnNeun
* Urnyx05
* xtrme
* Zoran
* Namoria