mevCJ / logo-packer

Adobe Illustrator extension that generates multiple logo variations and export them automatically
23 stars 2 forks source link

Ive added some extra features #6

Open schroef opened 2 years ago

schroef commented 2 years ago

He man,

hope you're doing well!

I was working with the panel a couple times and noticed some small issues. Main issue was the PDF export, when using the Print setting, i noticed it actually added a sRGB color profile, which is not good. So i have been working on a fix for this. Ive added code which checks if its Digital or Print export and then uses the correct PDF export method.

I also bumped into issues when the exported logo didnt look properly since the artboards are cropped the dimensions of the logo. Ive added a function where you can adjust the margins/padding around the logo. So a user can add some small white space if needed.

Another issue i had already found, but didnt get it working properly. Is when the logo is small, when exporting using JPG it would not export. So ive added a check for this, then can resize it so it will work. Ive added options for this to be automated.

When doing all the logo types i found it nicer if i could divide the logos by type. So ive added an option for this as well. So you can have either all logos in Digital or Print, or separate all logo types by folder as well.

Also added an function which cleans all unused colors, makes it nicer when you open the AI file format

One note, my version still uses the layout i made. This is not in the layout you have adjusted. So the export button is still below the generate button

uodated-gui-panel-v035 Add Margins around logo

schroef commented 2 years ago

Ive also made it now possible to make all types and once and also export them all at once. This also again works with using subfolders by logo type. Was a headache to get this working. This operation is a nice time-saver, because now we dont need to make the logo types one by one, export it, close the document and start a new logotype. It also works when you only need, say, the logo and the logomark, or any other combo.

Export Alltype in Subfolders

Ive also added 2 more function, one is clean document. Its basically the same as delete unused items like swatches, brushes etc etc. Its nice when you open the AI file later.

Also added a clean logo function. This basically does 2 pathfinder operations making the logo better for most cases. It trims the design first, then does a marge. So all paths will be cut to visible areas and colors will be merged into compounds by color

kymness19 commented 2 years ago

Is there any options to have eps as one of the file types?

kymness19 commented 2 years ago

I was also curious to know if there is a way to avoid each Folder (JPG, PDF, PNG, and SVG) from creating additional subfolders? For example, when I export the files, I get the Digital Folder, inside that I have a Folder for each file type, the issue I am having is that inside those folders I have more folders. When I click the JPG folder I then have a folder labeled "1000w" inside that are the exported files. When I go into the PDF folder, I have another folder labeled PDF, then I get to the exported files. When I go into the PNG folder I have folder labeled "1388.889w", inside that folder is the exported contents. When I go into the SVG folder, I have another folder labeled "SVG", then I get to the exported files.

Hopefully that makes sense! If I am doing something wrong during export, let me know!

schroef commented 2 years ago

Is there any options to have eps as one of the file types?

It can be added, it's kind of an old file type though.

schroef commented 2 years ago

I was also curious to know if there is a way to avoid each Folder (JPG, PDF, PNG, and SVG) from creating additional subfolders? For example, when I export the files, I get the Digital Folder, inside that I have a Folder for each file type, the issue I am having is that inside those folders I have more folders. When I click the JPG folder I then have a folder labeled "1000w" inside that are the exported files. When I go into the PDF folder, I have another folder labeled PDF, then I get to the exported files. When I go into the PNG folder I have folder labeled "1388.889w", inside that folder is the exported contents. When I go into the SVG folder, I have another folder labeled "SVG", then I get to the exported files.

Hopefully that makes sense! If I am doing something wrong during export, let me know!

What version are you using? The one from adobe exchange or from my repository. Seems like this repo is using some old test code i left inside.

My versions works just fine, does not create sub folders inside the file type folders

You can try my version at You need to add the debug codes in a terminal or command prompt. Otherwise you can't run it.

Edione thing i remember just now. Could you check the settings of "export for screens". This is ctrp or cmd + e when you have something selected. Then check in the dialog if "create sub folders" is checked. I think we need to add this to the script. I just remembered I had sort of the same issue.

Ps this repo does not have the additional functionality i showed in this thread. I've added some more additional functions, like add margins, start a base file for all logo types

kymness19 commented 2 years ago

I am using the one from Adobe Exchange - the good news is changing the "Export for Screens" seemed to resolve that! Thank you!

schroef commented 1 year ago


If you want more options, use this dev branch i made. it has mopre functionality and can export all logo types at once.

mevCJ commented 1 year ago

Hey @schroef @kymness19 sorry totally overlooked the messages!

Thanks for the continuous contribution @schroef , I've tried out the new features and they're amazing. I'll be publishing the new version soon to adobe exchange and Gumroad.

schroef commented 1 year ago

Sorry for not merging your adjustments. This must take some work for you to adjust. I kept the layout of my original method as if i found that more convenient. But i understand your view on changing those buttons on the top.

Ive also being testing out some code to make color legends. So user can view color pallets with numbers. Very handy for branding guides.

Yeah i knda bumped into some issues after using it again after almost a year of no usage. Then found the PDF export issue and as i was fixing it. i got new ideas of workflows as how i use this tool. I kept finding myself doing repetitive tasks. Since this tool is there to make it easier, i thought of adding new functions.

schroef commented 1 year ago

Perhaps we should update the images on this repo as well, it shows the old extension workflow you started.

kymness19 commented 1 year ago

@schroef I tried to use the updated version but can't seem to get it to work manually, I am using a mac. I did see @mevCJ was going to update on the Adobe Exchange so that would be awesome.

I did have a couple other questions or maybe new ideas, things that I have ran in with my clients needs, outside of eps exports.

Is there a way to resize for social media icons/profile pictures? Favicon sizing? If the white version to somehow have a black background, especially for anything besides png?

schroef commented 1 year ago


Im not sure on what OS you are on, did you follow the instructions adding the debug codes into the Terminal? If you check this thread and this message, there i describe how to add the debug codes so the panel will appear

For the resizing, at this point not. I had an idea of adding multiple sizes. But that is a lot more work. Ill keep it in mind, ive got a list with possible changes and idea i have

schroef commented 1 year ago


@mevCJ has merged my branch into the main repo. I dont know if he has updated the Adobe Extension version yet?

EDIT Seems like thats not the case, perhaps its being reviewed by Adobe. The publishing date of that version was May 16 2022

schroef commented 1 year ago

@mevCJ By accident, i had found your thread on reddit. I was working some of them. I've read through all the comments and feedback and have updated the panel with new functionality.

  1. Added export settings dialog, user can now use custom settings. (WIP image size export)
  2. CMYK and RGB now export correct Document Raster Effect Settings
  3. Margins now automatically adjust when edit is done, also logo info (magenta text around it) will be re-positioned
  4. Black is exported now as proper black, WIP adding a custom black. So people can set a rich black if they want to.
  5. Users can choose what color variation they need. So you dont need to delete them afterwards. Though deleting them afterwards still works for the export section.
  6. It now can also do PMS conversion, this one was really HARD to get it working. Its a mashup of many scripts. The outcome is a little different vs when using Recolor function from illustrator. Sometimes it looks better, other times not so. Its also heavy on computing. Ill try to see if i can speed it up more

preview PMS


Quick preview, its slower vs ReColor, but its still fast


preview Export settings


Quick preview of the dialog


schroef commented 1 year ago

Ive now also added a Document Color Profile mismatch warning if the document containing the logo's does not use the same Color Profile as the main settings. It will show a warning and the user can assign the correct profile before logo's are copied over. Therefor no color number will be changed and it matches the correct profile.

The dialog is a custom dialog window i had already design a while back. Allows me to show the same dialog on Windows as how it looks on OSX.

I wish we could script this, but ive search for hours and seems its not exposed for scripting.

preview of the new dialog doc Color Profile Mistmatch Warning - v58

preview how the workflow changes a bit doc Color Profile Mistmatch Warning - v58

christianmagill commented 1 year ago

@schroef Thanks for all your work on this! Was wondering how the color conversions are done. Is there a best practice when using something like Color Bridge to pick brand colors?

schroef commented 1 year ago

@christianmagill well this extension uses cmyk or rgb as a base and then converts to pms now. I have not implemented a feature yet where the base logo is made of pms. That could be a nice addition actually.

Currently it also takes pms solid colors.

Are you looking for a workflow to go from. Color bridge to cmyk?

You can always adjust the logos when you created all version. I do this a lot, since the creation of the black and white versions sometimes is not good.

The main power is the exporting of all versions in my opinion. That's a huge time saver

christianmagill commented 1 year ago

@schroef typically I'll try and create color palettes by referencing the Pantone Color Bridge books.

What I'm really looking for is a way to take those colors that Color Bridge provides you, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone, to create the different versions of the logo.

It may be easier to do that in Recolor Artwork, but that's what I'm after.

I'm not sure how the extension currently goes about doing the conversion from one color space to another.

schroef commented 1 year ago

@schroef typically I'll try and create color palettes by referencing the Pantone Color Bridge books.

What I'm really looking for is a way to take those colors that Color Bridge provides you, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone, to create the different versions of the logo.

It may be easier to do that in Recolor Artwork, but that's what I'm after.

I'm not sure how the extension currently goes about doing the conversion from one color space to another.

Well this extension starts by either a cmyk or an rgb version, then automatically creates the other version. That being pms coated, black and a white version.

You can always generate the logo and then adjust the pms version manually to your own pms book version.

This tool was created to automate the creation of 3 color versions of logo and then export everything automatically

schroef commented 1 year ago

For those willing, a new branch is made which has quite some fixes and new features. Main new feature is export scale sizes for JPG and PNG. It allows you to add multiple sizes, the size will be added in the filename as a suffix

You need to manual install this one, check homepage how to do that

preview how export sizes works export-szes-jpg-png

schroef commented 1 year ago

I made another branch, this branch add the inverted logo type to the list. Its also has more fixed and some changes in how the way alerts show. It now also adds a dim gray layer so we can see the white logo better at the end. Ive also added adjustment for custom gray version. This means at the end the user can adjust the gray values. Also added now is custom black for Print and DIgital. This mean you can add custom black values for the black version.

Setting the inverted logo works by selecting a path which has the color you want to set as the accent, everything else will become white. Currently gradients or patterns, are not supported. Ill see if i can add that as well. If something isnt working or goes wrong, it should return an error and show what is wrong. I think i have caught every single method.

You need to manual isntall this one, check homepage how to do that

Here's a preview how inverted logo type works inverted-logo-color-options-v132

preview of custom black custom-black-color-options

preview of custom gray custom-gray-colors-v132