MvSelect is a Meveo component (based on lit-element) that renders a select input.
To experiment with the MvSelect component.
You can also check this demo
.value="${this.value}" // the current selected value
.options="${this.options}" // the options for the dropdown
@select-option="${event => {...}}" // the custom event dispatched when an option is selected
@on-search="${event => {...}}" // the custom event dispatched when a search term is typed in
@on-clear="${event => {...}}" // the custom event dispatched when the selected option is cleared
@change="${this.removeValues('multiSelect')}" // the custom event dispatched when the selected option is removed in multiselect
always-open // sets the dropdown to be always open
searchable // sets the input to be searchable
has-empty-option // shows an empty option at the top of the options list
no-clear-button // removes the clear button on the input
multi-select // option for multiselect
The options has the following properties:
label, // string or html template to render as the label
value // object value of the option