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Welcome to backend!


This repository serves as a backend for my farhadcodes-a-CP-blog applcation which is a fullstack training/learning project at CEFALO. You can find the frontend here


farhadcodes-a-CP-blog is a simple fullstack web blog app where a user can sign up with email, username, name and password. A user can post a blog with a valid title, and content. Users can also edit or delete their respective stories while logged in. All registered users can read other users' blogs.


  1. Java 19
  2. Gradle
  3. Sprint Boot 3.x
  4. Spring Security
  5. JPA (Java Persistence API)
  6. MySQL Connector
  7. JSON Web Token (JJWT)

Getting Started

To get the app up and running on your local machine, follow these steps:

Api Documentation