mfbonfigli / gocesiumtiler

A Cesium.js point cloud 3D tiles generator from LAS files written in Golang
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
169 stars 36 forks source link

Go Cesium Tiler

Build Status

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  __| | A Cesium Point Cloud tile generator written in golang

Go Cesium Tiler is a tool to convert point cloud stored as LAS files to Cesium.js 3D tiles ready to be streamed, automatically generating the appropriate level of details and including additional information for each point such as color, laser intensity and classification.

What's new: V2

GoCesiumTiler V2 has been released in preview mode and it introduces several important improvements over V1:

This release is backward incompatible compared to V1 and also deprecates several options, most of which were not of much interest. Some of these might be added in future minor updates of V2.


Go Cesium Tiler automatically handles coordinate conversion to the format required by Cesium and can also convert the elevation measured above the geoid to the elevation above the ellipsoid as by Cesium requirements.

The tool:

The tool uses the version 4.9.2 of the well-known Proj.4 library to handle coordinate conversion. The input SRID is specified by just providing the relative EPSG code, an internal dictionary converts it to the corresponding proj4 projection string.

Speed is a major concern for this tool, thus it has been chosen to store the data completely in memory. If you don't have enough memory the tool will fail, so if you have really big LAS files and not enough RAM it is advised to split the LAS in smaller chunks to be processed separately.

Information on point intensity and classification is stored in the output tileset Batch Table under the propeties named INTENSITY and CLASSIFICATION.


You can preview a couple of tilesets generated from this tool at this website


Version 2.0.0

Precompiled Binaries

Along with the source code a prebuilt binary for Windows x64 is provided for each release of the tool in the github page. Binaries for other systems at the moment are not provided.

Environment setup and compiling from sources

To get started with development just clone the repository.

When launching a build with go build go modules will retrieve the required dependencies.

To build the CLI executable you can use:

go build -o gocesiumtiler ./cmd/main.go

This will create an executable named gocesiumtiler in the build folder.

As the project and its dependencies make use of C code, under windows you should also have GCC compiler installed and available in the PATH environment variable. More information on cgo compiler are available here.

Additionally make sure CGO is enabled via go env CGO_ENABLED. CGO_ENABLED environment variable should be set to 1.

Under linux you will have to have gcc installed. Also make sure go is configured to pass the correct flags to gcc. In particular if you encounter compilation errors similar to undefined reference to 'sqrt' it means that it is not linking the standard math libraries. A way to fix this is to add -lm to the CGO_LDFLAGSenvironment variable, for example by running export CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2 -lm".

To launch the tests use the command

go test ./... -v

To check the test coverage use:

go test -coverprofile cover.out -v  ./... && go tool cover -html=cover.out

CLI Usage

To run just execute the binary tool with the appropriate flags.

There are various algorithms selectable.

To show help run:

gocesiumtiler -help


There are two commands, file and folder:


Common flags

These flags are applicable to both the file and the folder commands

   --out value, -o value                  full path of the output folder where to save the resulting Cesium tilesets
   --epsg value, -e value                 EPSG code of the input coordinate system (default: -1)
   --resolution value, -r value           minimum resolution of the 3d tiles, in meters. approximately represets the maximum sampling distance between any two points at the lowest level of detail (default: 20)
   --z-offset value, -z value             z offset to apply to the point, in meters. only use it if the input elevation is referred to the WGS84 ellipsoid or geoid (default: 0)
   --depth value, -d value                maximum depth of the output tree. (default: 10)
   --min-points-per-tile value, -m value  minimum number of points to enforce in each 3D tile (default: 5000)
   --geoid, -g                            set to interpret input points elevation as relative to the Earth geoid (default: false) 
   --8-bit                                set to interpret the input points color as part of a 8bit color space (default: false)  
   --help, -h                             show help

Folder command flags

These commands are specific to the folder command:

   --join, -j                             merge the input LAS files in the folder into a single cloud. The LAS files must have the same properties (CRS etc) (default: false)

Usage examples:

Example 1

Convert all LAS files in folder C:\las, write output tilesets in folder C:\out, assume LAS input coordinates expressed in EPSG:32633, convert elevation from above the geoid to above the ellipsoid. Use a resolution of 10 meters, create tiles with minimum 1000 points and enforce a maximum tree depth of 12:

gocesiumtiler folder -out C:\out -epsg 32633 -geoid -resolution 10 -min-points-per-tile 1000 -depth 12 C:\las

or, using the shorthand notation:

gocesiumtiler folder -o C:\out -e 32633 -g -r 10 -m 1000 -d 12 C:\las

Example 2

Like Example 1 but merge all LAS files in C:\las into a single 3D Tileset

gocesiumtiler folder -out C:\out -epsg 32633 -geoid -resolution 10 -min-points-per-tile 1000 -depth 12 -join C:\las

or, using the shorthand notation:

gocesiumtiler folder -o C:\out -e 32633 -g -r 10 -m 1000 -d 12 -j C:\las

Example 3

Convert a single LAS file at C:\las\file.las, write the output tileset in the folder C:\out, use the system defaults

gocesiumtiler file -out C:\out -epsg 32633 C:\las\file.las

or, using the shorthand notation:

gocesiumtiler file -o C:\out -e 32633 C:\las\file.las

Known caveats

3D Tiles 1.1 - washed out colors

From version 2.0.0-beta support for 3D Tiles v1.1 specs has been added. Cesium apparently by default tends to render the generated GLTF (.GLB) models with a "wrong" gamma value if compared to the equivalent .PNTS tilesets generated colors, resulting in washed out colors.

This can be corrected using a custom shader, for example refer to the following snippet:

const customShader = new Cesium.CustomShader({
   varyings: {
      v_selectedColor: Cesium.VaryingType.VEC3,
   vertexShaderText: `
   void vertexMain(VertexInput vsInput, inout czm_modelVertexOutput vsOutput) {
      v_selectedColor = pow(vec3(vsInput.attributes.color_0), vec3(2.0));
   // User uses the varying in the fragment shader
   fragmentShaderText: `
      void fragmentMain(FragmentInput fsInput, inout czm_modelMaterial material) {
         material.diffuse = v_selectedColor.rgb;
tileset.customShader = customShader

Library Usage in other GO programs

To use the tiler in other go programs just:

go get

Then instantiate a tiler object and launch it either via ProcessFiles or ProcessFolder passing in the desired processing options.

A minimalistic example is:

package main

import (

    tiler ""

func main() {
    t, err := tiler.NewGoCesiumTiler()
    if err != nil {
    ctx := context.TODO()
    err = t.ProcessFiles([]string{"myinput.las"}, "/tmp/myoutput", 32632, tiler.NewTilerOptions(
    ), ctx)
    if err != nil {

Note that you will require to use cgo for the compilation, for that refer to the section "Environment setup and compiling from sources".


The sampling occurs using a hybrid, lazy octree data structure. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. All points are stored in a linked tree: this provides efficient list manipulations operations (splitting, adding, removing) and avoids dynamic allocations of slices. The coordinates are internally converted to EPSG 4978
  2. An octree cell is created. Every cell stores N points (variable). A cell also has a grid spacing property. The root node has a spacing set to the provided resolution.
  3. The points are traversed. Each point will fall into one of the cells the space has been divided by the given grid spacing. If the point is the closest one the the center of the cell, it's taken as new closest for that cell, else it's discarded and parked into a list of the Node octant it belongs to.
  4. When all points are traversed the points closes to the cells the space has been partitioned in will be the points for the current tree node. All others are parked. If an octant however has a number of parked points that is less than the min-points-per-node, the parked points for that octant are rolled up to the current node. Similarly if the current node has a depth equal to the configured max depth.
  5. Whenever the children are retrieved, the previously parked points are used to create child nodes on demand using the same algorithm, lazily.

Precompiled Binaries

Along with the source code a prebuilt binary for Windows x64 is provided for each release of the tool in the github page. Binaries for other systems at the moment are not provided.

Future work and support

Further work needs to be done, such as:

Contributors and their ideas are welcome.

If you have questions you can contact me at


This library uses SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Massimo Federico Bonfigli - Github


This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser GPL v.3 License - see the file for details.

The software uses third party code and libraries. Their licenses can be found in file.
