mfd2007 / csaf_upload_interface

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Build failed #12

Open s-l-teichmann opened 1 year ago

s-l-teichmann commented 1 year ago

Quick remarks

diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 437438d..830cdbd 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ openApiGenerate {

 task generateKey(type: Exec) {
     workingDir "./src/main/resources/"
-    commandLine '/usr/bin/keytool', '-genkeypair','-alias','csaf','-keyalg','RSA','-keysize','4096','-validity','3650','-dname','CN=localhost','-keypass','changeit','-keystore','keystore.p12','-storeType','PKCS12','-storepass','changeit'
+    commandLine '/usr/bin/keytool', '-genkeypair','-alias','csaf','-keyalg','RSA','-keysize','4096','-validity','3650','-dname','CN=localhost','-keypass','changeit','-keystore','keystore/keystore.p12','-storeType','PKCS12','-storepass','changeit'
     doLast {
       println "Keypair generated!"
\ No newline at end of file
mfd2007 commented 1 year ago

Probably there was already an keystore created. I have taken the suggestion and added a check when creating the keystore.

At least in my environment the build works.