mfd2007 / csaf_upload_interface

MIT License
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CSAF Import Modul Test


The purpose of this project is to provide an interface for uploading CSAF documents that were collected by csaf_downloader.

Specication of REST-API-Endpoint

Details on the REST-API-Endpoint for uploading CSAF documents are available in the folder api as OpenAPI YAML and as HTML.

Running the application with Docker

To start the application with docker & docker-composeexecute the following command:

docker-compose up

To update and rebuild the image use:

docker-compose up --build

The suggested way to ensure all is cleaned up properly is by this command:

docker-compose rm

It clears stopped containers correctly. Might consider removing clutter of images too, especially the ones fiddled with:

docker images

docker image rm <image-id>

To start the application directly execute the following commands:

./gradlew generateKey
./gradlew bootRun

Update OpenAPI

HTML documation of the API can be generated from api/api.yaml. This file is written manually.

./gradlew openApiGenerate

OpenAPI YAML of the implementation

A OpenAPI YAML from the implementation can be generated with

./gradlew generateOpenApiDocs

At the moment the documentation in the sourcecode doesn't match completly the manually generated file.

Security consideration

This is only a test application to support the development. The generated key for TLS is just for testing purposes! Do not use this project in any kind of production environment.