This project has been deprecated by eslint-plugin-import-splitnsort.
My first, very idiosyncratic VS Code extension that perhaps only I will ever use! There are many excellent import sorters available -- sort-imports for example -- but import-splitnsort
is opinionated:
rule; this often hits me with imports from @angular/core
Automatically splits and sorts imports on save. You can disable this behavior in the settings and split'n'sort manually.
Split and sort imports
Imports are sorted case-sensitive and broken into 6 categories, in this order:
import * as vscode from 'vscode'; // namespace imports
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core'; // named class-like imports
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'; // named function-like imports
import $ from 'JQuery'; // default imports
import zip = require('./ZipCodeValidator'); // external imports
import 'code.js'; // string imports
Of course, it is very rare for any code to use all these different import
// Automatically split and sort imports on save (default true)
"import-splitnsort.on-save": true
Change sort order so string imports come first
Extension activating for non-TypeScript files
After eating my own dog food for a while, it became clear that a case-insensitive sort is a Really Bad Idea! Lowercase exports are semantically different to uppercase exports: the former are typically functions and the latter classes. The two are now separated #1.
Initial release.
Developed by Mark Florence.
Many thanks to sort-imports for showing the way!
Special thanks to typescript-parser for a really nice and easy-to-use TypeScript to AST parser.