mfreeborn / heliocron

A command line application written in Rust capable of delaying execution of other programs for time periods relative to sunrise and sunset.
Apache License 2.0
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cron linux rust scheduler sunrise sunset

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A simple command line application that integrates with cron to execute tasks relative to sunset, sunrise and other such solar events.

Table of Contents


There are several ways to install heliocron on your device.

1. Pre-compiled binaries

You can download a pre-compiled binary from the releases page.

Here's a quick compatibility table to help choose the correct binary to download:

Platform Binary
Raspberry Pi 0/1 heliocron-v0.8.1-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
Raspberry Pi 2/3/4 heliocron-v0.8.1-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz
Linux with a 64bit CPU heliocron-v0.8.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz

2. Install with cargo

# make sure you've got an up to date version of rust and cargo installed
# full instructions can be found at
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# then install using cargo
$ cargo install heliocron
$ heliocron --version
heliocron 0.8.1

3. Build from source

$ git clone
$ cd heliocron
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/heliocron --version
heliocron 0.8.1

Usage Examples

Delay execution of a command relative to sunrise or sunset

The following code snippet entered into the terminal will wait until sunset on 25th Feb 2020 at the Royal Greenwich Observatory (17:32:17 +00:00) before listing the files and folders contained within the user's home directory.

$ heliocron --date 2020-02-25 --latitude 51.4769 --longitude -0.0005 \
wait --event sunset && ls ~
Thread going to sleep for _ seconds until 2020-02-25 17:32:17 +00:00. Press ctrl+C to cancel.

Integration with cron for recurring tasks is easy. The following snippet shows a crontab entry which will run every morning at 2am. heliocron will wait until 30 minutes before sunrise, before allowing the execution of the script.

0 2 * * * heliocron --latitude 51.4769 --longitude -0.0005 wait --event sunrise --offset -00:30 \

Show a report of sunrise and sunset times for a given location and date

$ heliocron -d 2065-05-07 -l 55.9533 -o -3.1883 report
Latitude:  55.9533
Longitude: -3.1883

2065-05-07 12:00:00 +01:00

Solar noon is at:         2065-05-07 13:09:19 +01:00
The day length is:        15h 49m 51s

Sunrise is at:            2065-05-07 05:14:24 +01:00
Sunset is at:             2065-05-07 21:04:15 +01:00

Civil dawn is at:         2065-05-07 04:27:31 +01:00
Civil dusk is at:         2065-05-07 21:51:08 +01:00

Nautical dawn is at:      2065-05-07 03:19:56 +01:00
Nautical dusk is at:      2065-05-07 22:58:43 +01:00

Astronomical dawn is at:  Never
Astronomical dusk is at:  Never

Display real time data pertaining to the current position of the Sun

Use the poll subcommand to see what the Sun is doing right now:

$ heliocron -l 51.4769 -o -0.0005 poll
Latitude:  51.4769
Longitude: -0.0005

2022-08-01 05:21:38 +01:00
Civil Twilight

Solar elevation: -0.805°
Azimuth angle:   58.592°

The same set of data can be output in machine-readable JSON format.

$ heliocron -l 51.4769 -o -0.0005 poll --json

Supplying the optional --watch flag will give a second-by-second live view of the position of the Sun.

Click to expand

--watch and --json combined also works:

Click to expand


heliocron supports reading some configuration options from a file located at ~/.config/heliocron.toml. Note that this file is not created by default, it is up to the user to create the file correctly, otherwise heliocron will simply pass over it. In particular, you can set a default latitude and longitude (must provide both, otherwise it will fall back to the default location of the Royal Greenwich Observatory).

# ~/.config/heliocron.toml
# set the default location to Buckingham Palace
latitude = 51.5014
longitude = -0.1419

Now, using heliocron without providing specific coordinates will yield the following output:

$ heliocron -d 2020-03-08 report
Latitude: 51.5014
Longitude: -0.1419

2020-03-08 12:00:00 +00:00

Solar noon is at:         2020-03-08 12:11:12 +00:00
The day length is:        11h 24m 22s

Sunrise is at:            2020-03-08 06:29:01 +00:00
Sunset is at:             2020-03-08 17:53:23 +00:00

Civil dawn is at:         2020-03-08 05:55:45 +00:00
Civil dusk is at:         2020-03-08 18:26:39 +00:00

Nautical dawn is at:      2020-03-08 05:17:04 +00:00
Nautical dusk is at:      2020-03-08 19:05:20 +00:00

Astronomical dawn is at:  2020-03-08 04:37:39 +00:00
Astronomical dusk is at:  2020-03-08 19:44:45 +00:00

Observe that the location is set according to the contents of the configuration file.

Arguments passed in via the command line will override those set in the configuration file. Perhaps we want to check what is happening over at Windsor Castle without changing the configuration file:

$ heliocron -d 2020-03-08 -l 51.4839 -o -0.6044 report
Latitude: 51.4839
Longitude: -0.6044

2020-03-08 12:00:00 +00:00

Solar noon is at:         2020-03-08 12:13:03 +00:00
The day length is:        11h 24m 24s

Sunrise is at:            2020-03-08 06:30:51 +00:00
Sunset is at:             2020-03-08 17:55:15 +00:00

Civil dawn is at:         2020-03-08 05:57:36 +00:00
Civil dusk is at:         2020-03-08 18:28:30 +00:00

Nautical dawn is at:      2020-03-08 05:18:56 +00:00
Nautical dusk is at:      2020-03-08 19:07:10 +00:00

Astronomical dawn is at:  2020-03-08 04:39:32 +00:00
Astronomical dusk is at:  2020-03-08 19:46:34 +00:00

Edge Cases

The chosen event does not occur on the given day

Sometimes, a particular event will never happen on a certain day at a certain location. For example, the Sun never drops below 18° below the horizon in England during the height of summer; astronomical dawn and dusk never occur.

When using the report subcommand, this is identified like so:

$ heliocron -d 2020-06-21 -l 52.8300 -o 0.5135 report
<-- snip -->
Astronomical dawn is at:  Never
Astronomical dusk is at:  Never

When using the wait subcommand, an error is raised and the program terminates immediately:

$ heliocron -d 2020-06-21 -l 52.8300 -o 0.5135 wait -e astronomical_dusk
Runtime error: The chosen event does not occur on this day.

The chosen event occurred some time in the past

If you try and wait for an event which happened in the past, an error will be raised and the program will terminate immediately:

$ heliocron -d 2020-06-21 -l 52.8300 -o 0.5135 wait -e sunrise
Runtime error: The chosen event occurred in the past; cannot wait a negative amount of time.

No such error arises if you just want a report from that date.



heliocron [Options] <Subcommand> [Subcommand Options]

