Use bonus compilation to enable all features
LD_PRELOAD=./ ./a.out
function is available! does not work with multi-threaded programs
make fclean
make bonus
Name | Details |
MallocShowHeap | show detailed heap log and freelists at the end of the execution |
MallocShowAbbr | show abbriviated heap log and freelists at the end of the execution |
MallocShowFree | show freelists at the end of the execution |
MallocDebug | log each call to each malloc free realloc calloc function |
MallocHelp | show availiable environment variables and quick explanations |
export MallocShowHeap=1
MallocShowHeap=1 LD_PRELOAD=./ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./a.out
./test/ [N]
result cannot be compared with original version if this message is shown
> executable 'original' cannot be created for this test
the same test can be run with original malloc by ./original
if this message is shown
> executable 'original' created for compareson run
apply enviroment varialbes to a test without using export
make single_test FILENO=[N]
MallocHelp=1 LD_PRELOAD=./ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./single_test
Test no. | Name | Details |
0 | basic test | Nmallocs -> Nfrees : malloc multiple size in all size regions, and free them all at the end. Check most basic allocations. |
1 | basic test1 | malloc -> free -> malloc : malloc the exact same size region just after the free of the same size chunk. |
2 | basic test2 | malloc -> wirte -> read : malloc ereas and write and read from them to varify if it works. |
3 | tiny test | Nmalloc : malloc as much as possible with tiny allocation size. |
4 | small test | Nmalloc : malloc as much as possible with small allocation size. |
5 | large test | Nmalloc : malloc as much as possible with large allocation size. |
6 | basic realloc test | malloc -> realloc : realloc malloced ptr with different sizes and check there contents. |
7 | freelists test | mallocx2 -> free : malloc twice each time and free the first one to allow them to be stored in a freelist. |
make bonus
Google Test uses malloc, so replacing original malloc will cause problems to run the test
Therefore, the test loads malloc as ft_malloc
using dlopen
To enable google testing, malloc and realloc function does not call malloc internally. It instead calls malloc_
function to avoid calling real malloc during testing.
run (build)
make gtest
for bonus compilation
make test