mgajda83 / PSWindowsUpdate

This module contain cmdlets to manage Windows Update Client.
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This module contain cmdlets to manage Windows Update Client.

Table of Contents

Release Notes






Install module from the PowerShell Gallery

Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate

Usage and Examples

Import the module:

Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate

Get-WindowsUpdate / Install-WindowsUpdate

Get windows updates available from default service manager.


Get all available update on remote machine MG-PC, that contains in Title this two words 'Aktualizacja' and 'Windows 11' (as regular expression).

Get-WindowsUpdate -ComputerName MG-PC -MicrosoftUpdate -Title "Aktualizacja.*Windows 11" -Verbose

Hide update with KBArticleID: KB4034658.

Get-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB4034658 -Hide -Verbose

...or use alias

Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID KB4034658 -Verbose

Schedule job at 6:00 PM to install update with UpdateId='ddb74579-7a1f-4d1f-80c8-e8647055314e' and RevisionNumber=200. Update will be automaticaly accepted and after all server will be automaticaly restarted if needed.

Get-WindowsUpdate -MicrosoftUpdate -UpdateID ddb74579-7a1f-4d1f-80c8-e8647055314e -RevisionNumber 200 -ScheduleJob (Get-Date -Hour 18 -Minute 0 -Second 0) -Install -AcceptAll -AutoReboot -Verbose

...or use alias

Install-WindowsUpdate -MicrosoftUpdate -UpdateID ddb74579-7a1f-4d1f-80c8-e8647055314e -RevisionNumber 200 -ScheduleJob (Get-Date -Hour 18 -Minute 0 -Second 0) -AcceptAll -AutoReboot -Verbose


Try register Microsoft Update service as Service Manager.

Add-WUServiceManager -MicrosoftUpdate

Try register Offline Sync Service from file C:\

Add-WUServiceManager -ScanFileLocation C:\


Get Windows Update history.


Get Windows Update Agent history for last 24h.

Get-WUHistory -MaxDate (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)


Try to uninstall update with specific KBArticleID = KB958830.

Get-WUUninstall -KBArticleID KB958830

Get-WUSettings / Set-WUSettings

Get current Windows Update Client configuration.


Set the target version for feature updates to Windows 10 22H2.

Set-WUSettings -TargetReleaseVersion -TargetReleaseVersionInfo 22H2 -ProductVersion "Windows 10"


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