plaSquid is a Nextflow pipeline for plasmid detection and classification in genomic and metagenomic data. This pipeline accepts either genomic or metagenomic assemblies as input (.fasta). It uses two different approaches to detect plasmids sequences: alignment with minimap2 against a plasmidic database (minidist) and HMM dependent search of plasmid specific genes (repsearch).
plaSquid also classifies plasmids into replicon types and MOB groups by comparing RIPs or Relaxases against custom HMMs.
plaSquid can extract plasmids RIP or MOB sequences in order to further analyze these proteins.
plaSquid summarises the information gathered by the two complementary approaches in a single output table and allows further analysis as it outputs plasmidic contigs in a single multifasta file ("Result.fasta")
git clone
cd plaSquid/
You need nextflow installed in order to run plaSquid. Documentation is available here
PlaSquid can be ran using docker or conda.
If you want to generate a permanent conda environment (recommended) you can try:
conda env create -f environments/plaSquid.yml
If you want to generate a permanent docker image you can try:
docker pull mgimenez720/plasquid:latest
All dependencies are provided within the containers available. Manual installation is discouraged.
hmmer 3.3.1, infernal 1.1.3, minimap2 2.17, prodigal 2.6.3, R packages: dplyr 1.0.4, tidyverse 1.3.0, seqinr 4.2.5, biostrings 2.58.0.
nextflow run --contigs {testdata/test.fasta} --outdir {plaSquid_result}
--contigs Path to input assemblies.
--mmi Path to Minimap2 indexed (.mmi) or fasta (.fasta/.fna) plsdb database.
--outdir Path to output directory where results are written.
--help Print help message and exit
--minidist Run mapping of contigs against plsdb database.
--repsearch Run search and classification of RIP and MOB (Rel) genes.
--ripextract Extract replication initiator proteins sequences.
--mobextract Extract relaxases sequences.
-profile conda Installs dependencies using a conda environment
-profile docker Installs dependencies within a docker image
-profile server runs using 15 cpus and 50 Gb
-profile test tests dependencies and normal functioning
Matías Giménez
Ignacio Ferrés
Gregorio Iraola
Microbial Genomics Laboratory
Institut Pasteur Montevideo (Uruguay)
"Contig": contig id for plaSquid
"name": contig name in the assembly file
"Sim-dist": S value obtained by Minidist workflow
"plsdb_match": plasmid matched at plsdb database
"Match_length": length of the plasmid matched at plsdb
"RIP_domain": RIP-domain found in that contig
"MOB_group": MOB group classification of relaxase found in that contig
"Rep_type": Rep-type classifiation of the contig detected
"Contig_length": size of the contig detected
Available preprint
If you are going to use plaSquid results for further analysis, consider citing the following tools:
MOBscan ( RepliconFinder ( PLSDB ( GTDB-tk (
This is a beta version, please report bugs or misfunctions detected.