mglaman / drupalorg-issue-tracker

Chrome application to provide a simple method for keeping track of project issues. ARCHIVED, Chrome apps dead.
9 stars 3 forks source link

Drupal Issue Tracker

A Chrome application to provide a simple method for keeping track of project issues.


Take a issue number (the node ID) and add it to the app. It will then utilize's REST APIs and keep track of the issue. This allows you to keep a collection of important issues and periodically check their status.

Support via Gratipay


Managing patches when developing a product is a headache. It can be especially daunting if you're extending upon a suite of modules (Panopoly, Open Atrium.) You're not only patching contribute projects, but then those other projects as well.

Reading a makefile doesn't exactly highlight all of your patches and their status. Also, if you're building a product, you're going to want to track important issues that will affect your development.

Use it!

Get the app from the Chrome Web Store, or follow the instructions below to use the dev HEAD

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