Develop a web application that scrapes Google search results for large-scale keyword analysis, bypassing Google's restrictions on mass searches. The application should store the scraped data and provide authenticated users with the ability to view and receive reports on this data. Third-party APIs for obtaining Google search data are not allowed.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install php
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
brew install node
brew install postgresql
git clone
cd application-api
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
FRONTEND_URL=http://localhost:3000 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXXXXXXXXXX (included in email for testing purpose) AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=XXXXXXXX SQS_PREFIX= AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1
- run migration
php artisan migrate
- Go to application frontend
cd application-frontend
npm install
cp .env.example .env
- update the following .env
- Go to Spider
cd spider-api cp .env .env.example
Update the following config
Run Node.js
node app.js
# Testing Result
## Backend Test
<img width="1792" alt="Screen Shot 2024-03-13 at 2 18 46 PM" src="">
## Frontend Test
<img width="1792" alt="Screen Shot 2024-03-13 at 2 19 20 PM" src="">
# Architecture Desgin
@startuml !theme bluegray skinparam Style strictuml skinparam SequenceMessageAlignment center autonumber
actor User participant Frontend as FE participant Backend as BE participant "AWS SQS" as SQS participant "Crawler Service" as CM participant "Puppeteer Headless Browser Cluster" as PB participant "Puppeteer Cluster Queue" as PCQ
User -> FE: Upload CSV file FE -> BE: Parse CSV and send keywords as string BE -> SQS: Send keywords SQS -> CM: Receive message CM -> PCQ: Push keywords PCQ -> PB: Start crawling PB -> PCQ: Send callback with results PCQ -> BE: Send results BE -> FE: Send results to display
The Thing Architecture in this context refers to a system designed for web crawling using a combination of front-end and back-end services, AWS SQS, a Crawler Service, and Puppeteer running in cluster mode. The architecture is designed to enhance the user experience by allowing multiple users to asynchronously add multiple keywords for web crawling.
- User Interaction:
- Users interact with the system by uploading CSV files containing keywords to the front-end (FE) service.
- The FE parses the CSV file and sends the extracted keywords as a string to the back-end (BE).
- Backend Processing:
- The BE receives the keywords and forwards them to AWS SQS, which acts as a message queue.
- The Crawler Service (CM) listens to the SQS queue and retrieves the keywords for processing.
- Asynchronous Keyword Addition:
- The system is designed to handle multiple users simultaneously, allowing them to add keywords asynchronously.
- This is achieved through the use of the SQS queue, which decouples the BE from the CM, enabling scalable and non-blocking keyword addition.
- Puppeteer Cluster Mode:
- The CM pushes the keywords to the Puppeteer Cluster Queue (PCQ), which manages the distribution of crawling tasks across a cluster of Puppeteer instances.
- Puppeteer is running in cluster mode, which means it can spawn multiple headless browser instances in parallel, significantly improving crawling efficiency and speed.
- The cluster mode also provides fault tolerance and load balancing, ensuring that the crawling process is resilient and can handle a large volume of keywords.
- Results Callback:
- Once the crawling is complete, the PCQ sends a callback with the results to the BE.
- The BE then forwards these results to the FE, where they are displayed to the user.
### API Docs