mgnz / cuttingedge.conditions

Write pre- and postcondition validations in your C# and VB.NET code base.
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WARNING: This project is somewhat actively maintained

It is however netstandard2 and 'works on my machine'

Plans for the future

Welcome to CuttingEdge.Conditions

CuttingEdge.Conditions is a library that helps developers to write pre- and postcondition validations in their C# 3.0 and VB.NET 9.0 code base. Writing these validations is easy and it improves the readability and maintainability of code.


CuttingEdge.Conditions is build up upon the new C# 3.0 and VB.NET 9.0 extension method mechanism and it allows you to validate arguments in a simple and fluent way. The following example gives a quick overview on the way you could write your pre- and postconditions.

C# example

public ICollection GetData(Nullable<int> id, string xml, IEnumerable<int> col)
    // Check all preconditions:
    Condition.Requires(id, nameof(id))
        .IsNotNull()          // throws ArgumentNullException on failure
        .IsInRange(1, 999)    // ArgumentOutOfRangeException on failure
        .IsNotEqualTo(128);   // throws ArgumentException on failure

    Condition.Requires(xml, nameof(xml))
        .StartsWith("<data>") // throws ArgumentException on failure
        .EndsWith("</data>")  // throws ArgumentException on failure
        .Evaluate(xml.Contains("abc") || xml.Contains("cba")); // arg ex

    Condition.Requires(col, nameof(col))
        .IsNotNull()          // throws ArgumentNullException on failure
        .IsEmpty()            // throws ArgumentException on failure
        .Evaluate(c => c.Contains(id.Value) || c.Contains(0)); // arg ex

    // Do some work

    // Example: Call a method that should not return null
    object result = BuildResults(xml, col);

    // Check all postconditions:
    Condition.Ensures(result, nameof(result))
        .IsOfType(typeof(ICollection)); // throws PostconditionException on failure

    return (ICollection)result;

public static int[] Multiply(int[] left, int[] right)
    Condition.Requires(left, nameof(left)).IsNotNull();

    // You can add an optional description to each check
    Condition.Requires(right, nameof(right))
        .HasLength(left.Length, "left and right should have the same length");

    // Do multiplication

VB.NET example

Public Function GetData(ByVal id As Integer?, ByVal xml As String, _
    ByVal col As ICollection) As ICollection
    ' Check all preconditions:
    Condition.Requires(id, nameof(id)).IsNotNull().IsInRange(1, 999).IsNotEqualTo(128)

    Condition.Requires(xml, nameof(xml)).StartsWith("<data>").EndsWith("</data>")

    Condition.Requires(col, nameof(col)).IsNotNull().IsEmpty()

    ' Do some work

    ' Example: Call a method that should not return null
    Dim result = BuildResults(xml, col)

    ' Check all postconditions:
    Condition.Ensures(result, "result").IsOfType(GetType(ICollection))

    Return result
End Function

Public Shared Function Multiply(left As Integer(), right As Integer()) As Integer()

    ' You can add an optional description to each check
    right.Requires("right").IsNotNull() _
        .HasLength(left.Length, "left and right should have the same length")

    ' Do multiplication
End Function

The previous example showed some important features of the library. The example showed the library's ability to:

Note: A particular validation is executed immediately when it's method is called, and therefore all checks are executed in the order in which they are written.

Getting started

CuttingEdge Conditions is available as NuGet package. If you're not using NuGet, please follow the steps below, to start using CuttingEdge.Conditions:

More information

For more information on this project please visit the following blog post or wiki page: