mgutz / razor

Golang Razor compiled template functions
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razor is a CLI code generator to compile Razor-like templates into go functions. razor is fast and escapes all values by default.

On 2012 i5 Macbook Pro. See benchfiles directory

BenchmarkGoTemplate   100000   28250 ns/op    3712 B/op    60 allocs/op
BenchmarkRazorByName  500000    7409 ns/op    2533 B/op    18 allocs/op
BenchmarkRazorByFunc  500000    7332 ns/op    2533 B/op    18 allocs/op

Layout views/layout.go.html

    +params (title string, ...)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="["version"]/css/style.css">
    <div id="main">@RenderBody()</div>

Page views/index.go.html

    +params (name string)
    +return Layout("Welcome " + name, ...)

<h2>Welcome to homepage</h2>
<p>This is the body</p>

@section scripts {
        alert('hello! @name')

Run from terminal

razor .

Start server

import (

func main() {
        "version": "1.0.0",
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        views.Render("index", "Joe").WriteTo(w)
        // or views.Index("Joe").WriteTo(w)
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)






go get -u


razor <folder or file> [output folder or file]

Building views efficiently with gosu

# get gosu task runner
go get -u

cd $GOPATH/src/
gosu example

Restart server on view change

gosu example --watch

Rendering Templates

There are two ways to render a template

  1. By name. This is useful when the name of the view is dynamic such as a value from a URL segment. This function is defined in razor_render.go in each package.

    views.Render("index", data).WriteTo(w)
  2. By func (slightly faster).


The default code generation mode accepts a single interface{} argument and performs a type assertion inside the function

// +params (user *model.User)
func GeneratedFunc(__data interface) *razor.SafeBuffer {
    user := __data.(*model.User)

This above signature is necessary for the Render(name string, data interface{}) function. If you run razor --strong SOME_DIR no type assertions are used and unlimited arguments are allowed. It is slightly faster too.

// +params (user *model.User, other string)
func GeneratedFunc(user *model.User, other string) *razor.SafeBuffer {


See working example.

Description Template Generated code
View index.go.html index.go
Layout default.go.html default.go

What is implemented?

While razor is based on Micorosoft's implementation, razor is geared towards being a template engine with layout support. Microsoft helper functions are not implemented. Import a helper package directly in a template.


This package uses the lexer/parser of sipin gorazor.