mhalenza / RTF

RTF is a C++1? framework for working with register spaces, common in embedded and hardware-centric applications.
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Register Target Framework

RTF is a C++1? framework for working with register spaces, common in embedded and hardware-centric applications.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

RTF is a header-only library, and as such it can simply be copied to your project's source tree.

Exactly one source file must define RTF_IMPLEMENTATION before including the header. This is to provide storage for a global "interposer" object that will be described later.

Because RTF is a framework, on it's own it doesn't provide much functionality but rather provides useful interface definitions and processes that projects can standardize around.

Compile Time Configuration Reference

Configuration is accomplished with #defines defined before the header is included.


Enables FluentRegisterTarget member functions that take an RMF::Register or RMF::Field instead of an AddressType. The field-based functions are also slightly modified (such as readModifyWrite() not having to take a mask parameter, as it is defined by the Field).


Enabled FluentRegisterTarget member functions that may potentially be misused, and as such aren't available by default. Currently the two functions enabled by this are write() and writeVerify() that take an RMF::Field. These are considered dangerous because they overwrite the whole register, but the call signature may lead the reader to believe they're merely writing the field (essentially requiring a read-modify-write of the whole register). These can be used safely if the register uses "write enables" but at this time RTF & RMF don't really allow this to work in a clean way.


Normally, AddressType and DataType are restricted to uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint64_t. When this is defined, the check is completely removed and any type can be used.


Sets the parameters for a BasicPoller that is used by pollRead when a CPoller is not supplied. See Default BasicPoller for more.


Normally, RTF.h will supply a definition of BIT(nr) unless one already exists OR this define is turned on.


While not an RTF configuration option, if RTF_INTEROP_RMF is defined but this one is not, a compiler warning will be issued.


IRegisterTarget is the main focal point of the library.

The class is templated on two type parameters: AddressType and DataType. These template type parameters set the data type used for addresses and data, respectively. They must be one of: uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint64_t.

It provides an interface that represents a physical device that has registers that can be read and written:

virtual void write(AddressType addr, DataType data) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual DataType read(AddressType addr) = 0;

It is expected that the user's application will define subclasses of this interface for each of the kinds of devices the application will communicate with. These subclasses must implement these two functions at a minimum.

This interface / abstract base class also provides a number of other member functions for other mechanisms for accessing registers. These functions are virtual, but not pure. Therefore, subclasses may choose to not implement them and get the base class behavior (which are simple implementations of the functionality), OR they may choose to override them and provide a more efficient access method (such as packing multiple writes/reads into a single transaction).

virtual void readModifyWrite(AddressType addr, DataType new_data, DataType mask);

This function provides a "read-modify-write" mechanism. new_data is bitwise-ANDed with mask and then overwrites the portion of the register defined by mask.

virtual void seqWrite(AddressType start_addr, std::span<DataType const> data, size_t increment = sizeof(DataType));
virtual void seqRead(AddressType start_addr, std::span<DataType> out_data, size_t increment = sizeof(DataType));

These functions perform a sequential write or read, starting at address start_addr, incrementing the destination address by increment. Data for writes is provided by data and the data returned by reads is stored in out_data - therefore, the size of these spans encode the number of registers to write.

Subclasses may have restrictions on sequential access, such as only supporting certain increment values, only supporting a limited number of accesses in a group, or requiring that the group not span certain address boundaries. Subclasses must check for these unsupported cases and either break them up into supported accesses OR simply defer to the base class implementation (which are always single-accesses in for-loops).

virtual void fifoWrite(AddressType fifo_addr, std::span<DataType const> data);
virtual void fifoRead(AddressType fifo_addr, std::span<DataType> out_data);

These functions perform a repeated write or read to the same address (given by fifo_addr), which is typically an address that writes into or reads from a FIFO. Data for writes is provided by data and the data returned by reads is stored in out_data - therefore, the size of these spans encode the number of registers to write.

An observant reader may notice that fifo accesses are logically the same as sequential accesses with an increement of 0. However, RTF chose to keep them separate in order to facilitate readable code - it would be obvious from the name that these functions write/read a FIFO.

Subclasses may have restrictions on access, such as only being able to pack a limited number of writes/reads into a lower-level access. Subclasses must check for these unsupported cases and either break them up into supported accesses OR simply defer to the base class implementation (which are always single-accesses in for-loops).

virtual void compWrite(std::span<std::pair<AddressType, DataType> const> addr_data);
virtual void compRead(std::span<AddressType const> const addresses, std::span<DataType> out_data);

These functions perform a "compressed" write or read to a non-contiguous set of addresses. For writes, the address-data pairs are provided in addr_data. For reads, the addresses are provided in addresses and the data read from those registers is stored in out_data; the size of the addresses and out_data spans must be identical or an assert() will fire.

Subclasses may have restrictions on access, such as only being able to pack a limited number of writes/reads into a lower-level access. Subclasses must check for these unsupported cases and either break them up into supported accesses OR simply defer to the base class implementation (which are always single-accesses in for-loops).

Typical Seq/Fifo/Compressed Implementation

Most implementations will not be able to implement these reads/writes as single calls and have restrictions:

For example, presume a subclass can only support 10 writes at a time for Sequential Writes and the increment can only ever be 4. This would be a common way to implement it:

void seqWrite(AddressType start_addr, std::span<DataType const> data, size_t increment)
    // Defer to base IRegisterTarget implementation if increment is not 4
    if (increment != 4)
        return this->IRegisterTarget::seqWrite(start_addr, data, increment);

    // Chunkify the input span to 10 items or less
    RTF::chunkify(data, 10, [&](std::span<DataType const> chunk, size_t chunk_offset){
        AddressType chunk_start_addr = start_addr + (increment * chunk_offset);
        // Perform the write with `chunk`, `chunk_start_addr`, and `increment`

A few tips for subclass implementor, regarding these 6 methods:

void compRead(std::span<AddressType const> const addresses, std::span<DataType> out_data)
    assert(addresses.size() == out_data.size());
    RTF::chunkify(addresses, MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, [&](std::span<AddressType const> address_chunk, size_t chunk_offset){
        std::span<DataType> out_data_chunk = out_data.subspan(chunk_offset, address_chunk.size());
        // Perform read of addresses in `address_chunk` and store their respective data values into `out_data_chunk`


FluentRegisterTarget provides an API that is modeled after IRegisterTarget but is a fluent API and includes even more functionality. However, it does not subclass IRegisterTarget due to return value covariance requirements in the C++ language.

The FluentRegisterTarget also includes "Interposer" functionality, which is described in IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer.


There are 6 constructors available:

/*1*/          FluentRegisterTarget(IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer* interposer, IRegisterTarget<AddressType, DataType>& target);
/*2*/ explicit FluentRegisterTarget(                                             IRegisterTarget<AddressType, DataType>& target);
/*3*/          FluentRegisterTarget(IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer* interposer, std::unique_ptr<IRegisterTarget<AddressType, DataType>> target);
/*4*/ explicit FluentRegisterTarget(                                             std::unique_ptr<IRegisterTarget<AddressType, DataType>> target);
/*5*/          FluentRegisterTarget(IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer* interposer, std::shared_ptr<IRegisterTarget<AddressType, DataType>> target);
/*6*/ explicit FluentRegisterTarget(                                             std::shared_ptr<IRegisterTarget<AddressType, DataType>> target);

Constructors #1 and #2 take an IRegisterTarget by reference and store this reference, effectively "viewing" the real target. The application must ensure that the IRegisterTarget stays alive as long as the FluentRegisterTarget is alive.

Constructors #3 and #4 take a unique_ptr<IRegisterTarget> and thus take ownership of the real target.

Constructors #5 and #6 take a shared_ptr<IRegisterTarget> and thus share ownership of the real target.

Constructors #1, #3, and #5 also take a IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer* which is used for interposer operations (described in IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer). The interposer argument may be nullptr, in which case all interposer functionality is skipped.

Constructors #2, #4, and #6 do not take an Interposer argument and instead get a "default" interposer (via IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer::getDefault()).


One aspect to the inerposer functionality is delineating groups of operations. This is done in two layers: first a "sequence", and then a "step". Logically, you can think of a sequence being composed of one or more steps, and a step being composed of one or more operations (such as register reads or writes).

Note, however, that this relationship between sequences, steps, and operations is not enforced by the fluent API and is merely a tool that can be used to provide context to the operations.

FluentRegisterTarget& seq(std::format_string<Args...> fmt, Args... args);
FluentRegisterTarget& seq(std::string_view msg);
FluentRegisterTarget& step(std::format_string<Args...> fmt, Args... args);
FluentRegisterTarget& step(std::string_view msg);


All operation functions have std::string_view msg = "" as the final parameter. This optional "message" provides context for what the operation is doing and is used only by the interposer and not the execution of the operation itself.


In addition to the above functionality, there are overloads for read(), seqRead(), fifoRead(), and compRead() that return the register data from the function instead of FluentRegisterTarget&. For read() the return type is DataType, while for the other three the return type is std::vector<DataType>.

Additionally, there are overloads for seqWrite(), fifoWrite(), compWrite() and compRead() that substitute std::span for std::initializer_list for some arguments. This is due to a flaw in the language where a std::span cannot be constructed from an initializer list. It was fixed in P2447, adopted into C++26, so once that becomes standard these overloads can be removed.

Interopability with Register Map Framework (RMF)

If a project also uses RMF, defining RTF_INTEROP_RMF project-wide will enable a number of FluentRegisterTarget member function overloads. These overloads correspond to existing functions, however they take a RMF::Register& argument instead of a AddressType argument.

If the user writes their code like fluent_register_target.write(some_rmf_register, 0x1234) instead of fluent_register_target.write(some_rmf_register.address(), 0x1234) then the code will compile regardless of whether or not this option is enabled. When the option is disabled, the conversion operator overload will be used. When the option is enabled, the enabled overloads will instead be used and will provide the same functionality, except with extra information in the interposer messages.

If the user uses the latter form (calling address() on the RMF register), then an address will always be passed to the FluentRegisterTarget function and the Interop functionality will never be chosen.


The interposer is a mechanism that hooks into FluentRegisterTarget to provide logging around the operations.

The interface API (that subclasses are expected to implement) is as follows:

virtual void seq(std::string_view target_domain, std::string_view target_instance, std::string_view msg) = 0;
virtual void step(std::string_view target_domain, std::string_view target_instance, std::string_view msg) = 0;
virtual void opStart(std::string_view target_domain, std::string_view target_instance, std::string_view op_msg) = 0;
virtual void opExtra(std::string_view target_domain, std::string_view target_instance, std::string_view values) = 0;
virtual void opEnd(std::string_view target_domain, std::string_view target_instance) = 0;
virtual void opError(std::string_view target_domain, std::string_view target_instance, std::string_view msg) = 0;

All of these callbacks have two initial string_view parameters: target_domain and target_instance. These values come from the underlying IRegisterTarget by calling it's getDomain() and getName() member functions. This is to facilitiate identifying what target is being accessed (instance) as well as what kind of device it is (domain).

seq() is called in response to FuentRegisterTarget::seq(). step() is called in response to FluentRegisterTarget::step().

The other 4 are called in a defined sequence in response to operations.

The final use case for IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer is the ability to hold a "default" interposer that is used by all FluentRegisterTargets that don't explicitly specify one. IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer::setDefault() is used to set the default interposer. IFluentRegisterTargetInterposer::getDefault() returns a pointer to this interposer (or nullptr if one hasn't been set yet).


CPoller is a concept encompassing the algorithm for polling a register, used by FluentRegisterTarget::pollRead(). Essentially, it's a function object that takes a callback as a parameter and returns a boolean indicating success/timeout. The callback passed into the poller is what acutally performs the register read and comparison:

template <CPoller PollerType>
FluentRegisterTarget& FluentRegisterTarget::pollRead(PollerType poller, AddressType addr, DataType expected, DataType mask, std::string_view msg = "")
    bool const success = poller([&] {
        reg_val = this->target->read(addr) ;
        return (reg_val & mask) == expected_val;
    // `success` indicates whether the polling operation succeeded (true) or timed out (false)

The Poller is what is responsible for timing of the polling operation. See BasicPoller for an example.


BasicPoller is a CPoller implementation with configurable timing. It's constructor signature is:

BasicPoller(std::chrono::microseconds initial_delay, std::chrono::microseconds wait_delay, std::chrono::microseconds timeout);

initial_delay is a delay that occurrs before any polling (register reads) occurr. wait_delay is a delay that occurrs after register reads if the value does not yet match the expected value. timeout is a duration after which the BasicPoller will exit and return false. It does not include the initial_delay.

The CPoller concept is satisfied with this member function:

template <typename CheckFunctorType>
bool operator()(CheckFunctorType fn) const
    auto const start_timestamp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    do {
        if (fn())
            return true;
    } while (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < start_timestamp + this->timeout);
    return false;

Default BasicPoller

The FluentRegisterTarget::pollRead() overloads that do not take a CPoller use a default BasicPoller. To configure the default poller, define these macros project wide: