Redmine SocioConnect Plugin
Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework.
More details can be found in the doc directory or on the official website
2.2 Why Needed ==========
Due to the lack of support for multi-provider authentication such as facebook and twitter on redmine.
This plugin is developed for introducing multi-provider authentication support on redmine.
The functionality of alternative login on redmine plugin is achieved with
* omniauth
OmniAuth is a library that standardizes multi-provider authentication for web applications.
Visit '' for documentation and source code.
* omniauth-facebook
Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth 1.0. This gem is built ontop of omniauth in-order to provide facebook authentication.
Visit '' for documentaion and source code.
* omniauth-twitter
This gem contains the Twitter strategy for OmniAuth. This gem is built ontop of omniauth in-order to provide twitter authentication.
Visit '' for documentaion and source code.
The above mentioned gems played an important role in developing this plugin.
-> Authentication in redmine through Facebook and Twitter similar to existing OpenID Authentication.
-> Download the plugin to your redmine/plugins directory.
-> Be sure to maintain the correct folder name, 'redmine_socio_connect'.
-> Configure your Facebook and Twitter keys in config/settings.yml.
key: 'your fb key' # App ID/API Key
secret: 'your fb secret' # App secret
key: 'your twitter key' # Consumer key
secret: ' your twitter secret' # Consumer secret
-> Run "rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production".
Runing this command will migrate the database for the redmine plugin.
-> Restart your redmine as appropriate (e.g., rails s -e production)
Thus the changes could take effect properly.
-> Tested on redmine version 2.3.2
This plugin is tested on the latest release of redmine. Make sure that you have the latest release as well.
-> The login popup will have two options for the user. Login with Facebook / Login with Twitter
-> Once you login with your facebook account. Allow access to the application via your facebook account.
-> You will be required to give credentials for redmine registeration.
-> Fill in the registeration form for redmine.
-> When you are done with the registeration you will have two accounts which are connected with each other.
Redmine Account
Facebook/Twitter Account
-> Latter you can login via redmine and multiple providers.