mhaupt / basicode

a BASICODE interpreter written in Java
MIT License
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This is an implementation of a BASIC interpreter providing a BASICODE runtime environment independent of any emulator (unless you count the Java VM as one). The point of this project is to have such a thing, rather than providing a highly optimised BASICODE run-time environment. Frankly, the JVM, off the shelf, will do a good enough job at delivering run-time performance. This is also why the BASICODE implementation does not sport any translation to Java bytecodes. The whole thing should be simple, first and foremost.

Building and Running

If you're not interested in building the project before trying it, you can download an executable JAR file (basicode.jar) from the release page.

The project was built using Java 21 and Maven. Once those are installed, just running mvn package on the command line should be enough to build everything and run the tests.

The mvn package run will generate an executable JAR file named basicode.jar in the project root. This file includes all relevant dependencies, so it can be used as a standalone "executable" for BASICODE as long as you still have Java 21 installed.

To run a BASIC file from the command line at the project root, run this (the -hold argument will make the BASICODE window stay after the program has run, until you press a key):

$ java -jar basicode.jar -hold examples/hello.bas 

This works for other BASICODE programs, as long as you point to the right basicode.jar and BASIC source file. If no BASIC source file is given, a dialogue will open that lets you choose one.

Implementation Notes

The BASICODE implementation is meant to be simple, and to be as "standalone" as possible. Therefore, the implementation relies on out-of-the box components of the JDK as much as possible. The only exception is the parser generator: for the grammar to be more easily writeable and maintainable, the implementation uses JavaCC. For the GUI, the standard AWT and Swing packages are used.


The BASIC grammar is located in the file basic.jj in the de.haupz. basicode.parser package. All other files in that package are generated and should not be modified. The best way to modify the grammar is to modify basic.jj and rebuild the project using mvn compile.

The grammar is straightforward. While there are numerous BASIC dialects that do not use line numbers (or make them optional), the BASICODE implementation here is meant to be compatible with the BASICODE sources "out there". Therefore, the grammar here enforces the use of line numbers.

Several other restrictions the BASICODE conventions impose - e.g., the maximum length of a source code line being 60 characters - are not enforced.

The grammar, during parsing, generates an abstract syntax tree (AST) of the program. The nodes of this AST are directly used by the interpreter (see below).


The AST nodes generated by the parser contain all the logic that is needed to run the program they represent. The BASIC interpreter used here thus embodies an AST interpreter design.

The main interpreter loop is contained in the ProgramNode class, which can be found in the de.haupz.basicode.ast package. Many of the AST node come with a piece of JavaDoc commentary that describes how they work, so I'll refer to those for further details.

Files and Printing

BASICODE supports reading from and writing to files on different kinds of media that were in use at the time when it was invented. These include cassette tapes, floppy disks, and microdrives. Since this BASICODE implementation would typically not have access to such media, it defaults to always opening files on the file system the implementation is running on.

If file names are given without any directory prefix (which would be unusual in BASICODE to begin with), files will be expected to be located, and can be expected to be created, in the directory the java command to start BASICODE was issued.

Similarly to file I/O, printer output is also emulated. The BASICODE implementation will open a file named BASICODE-printer.txt that will contain any output sent to the printer.


The grammar and basic functionality of the BASICODE implementation are covered in a decent amount of unit tests, which can be found in the test directory. The mvn test command will run them after building the project, and building the standalone JAR using mvn package will run the tests as well.


Some BASICODE example programs can be found in the examples directory. They are mostly simple, and serve to test particular aspects of the BASICODE conventions.

A vast set of examples can be found on Rob Hagemans' BASICODE in the browser page, or in his GitHub repository dedicated to BASICODE examples.


If you're interested in contributing to this project, please find details in

Licence Information

This project is under the MIT Licence, non-contagious, well-intentioned, and harmless.

The font used in the emulated console is "Amstrad CPC464 Regular" by Wesley Clarke. It's included here thanks to being licenced with CC BY-SA 3.0.


I'm immensely grateful to Thomas Rademacher of for introducing me to BASICODE. Many thanks to Bernd Bock and other members of Joyce-User-AG for encouragement and bug reports.