mhausenblas / bigquery-linkeddata

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In order to perform the following steps, you need a Google Storage as well as a BigQuery account. Let us further assume that you've checked out the source from into the $bgl directory, which we will use as the base directory in the following.

Step 1: Prepare the data file

You'll need an RDF file in NTriples format, either from the test/ directory or grab one from the Web (for example enter 'rdf filetype:nt' into Google). Once you have the RDF file in a local directory (we assume it's in test/), run the following command (in $bgl):

python tools/ test/mhausenblas-foaf.nt

which creates the file test/mhausenblas-foaf.csv we will use in the next step.

Step 2: Upload the data file

You upload the data file to Google Storage into one of your buckets, shown as 'mybucket' in the following; replace it with the actual name of your bucket.

gsutil cp test/mhausenblas-foaf.csv gs://mybucket/in/mhausenblas-foaf.csv

Step 3: Create the RDF table

To create the table that holds the RDF data, you need to specify a table schema:

bq create mybucket/rdftable schema/quintuple.scheme

The layout of the RDF table looks like the following:

+--------------------------------------------------------+ | graph_uri | subject | predicate | object | object_type | +--------------------------------------------------------+ | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |

Step 4: Import the RDF data into the table

Next you have to import the earlier created CSV file into the table:

bq import mybucket/rdftable mybucket/in/mhausenblas-foaf.csv

Importing can take up to 10 minutes if you have a lot of data.

Step 5: Run a query

Once the CSV file is imported into the table, we can run a query:

$ bq query "SELECT object FROM [mybucket/rdftable] WHERE predicate = '' LIMIT 10"

The query above lists ten people that I know, which corresponds to the following SPARQL query:

PREFIX foaf:

SELECT ?o FROM WHERE { ?s foaf:knows ?o . } LIMIT 10