mhdzumair / tamilblasters_stremio_addon

Stremio Addon for TamilBlasters Movies.
MIT License
36 stars 10 forks source link
movies scrapper stremio stremio-addon tamilblasters

:warning: Repository Archived :warning:

This repository has been archived and is no longer actively maintained. For the updated and active version, please visit MediaFusion.

Disclaimer :warning: :warning: :warning:

The contents of these scripts and files are created for Educational Purpose. Use of the Add-on is at your own risk. This scrapper is written in python and serves API for stremio. All the credits goes to Tamil Blasters. I encourage you to use the website.

alt TamilBlasters

Tamil Blasters Stremio Addon

Stremio Addon for Tamil Blasters Movies & Series. alt TamilBlasters


  1. Install from home page:
  2. You can search on the third-party addon page as "Tamil Blasters"
  3. Enter this link in stremio search bar to install:
